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Are you studying a foreign language and when you express yourself, words fail you?
Do you need an app that allows you to review only those words?
Do you want to review even when you go running, cycling, or traveling on public transport?
Well Lexicando is for you!

Lexicando is the innovative app to support the study of foreign languages

Revolutionary, because it is based on learning experiences, not on teaching experiences.
Flexible, because it allows you to create your own vocabulary starting from a complete vocabulary of over 80.000 terms.
Convenient, because the widget allows you to review in any situation, it works like a music player, even when the screen is off.

How does it work

Choose from the complete vocabulary the terms you want to memorize and add them to your personal vocabulary.
Review your personal vocabulary with the app to have a manual progress of the terms, or with the widget to have it automatic.

Main features

• no permission required, so no internet connection required
• ultra-fast search of terms and notes
• over 70.000 translations of nouns including article, adjectives, adverbs and more
• over 17.000 translations of verbs with all tenses conjugations
• personal vocabulary construction through selection and deselection of the terms of the complete vocabulary
• review with manual progress of all the terms of the personal vocabulary or only the verbs
• review with automatic progress through widget with functions play, stop, audio on, audio off
• choice of the tense to review
• ability to add new words and verbs
• ability to add personal notes
• ability to edit, copy and delete words, verbs and notes
• immediate start and direct access to the term search feature
• minimal style to facilitate concentration
• minimum use of memory
• tables of articles, adjectives and pronouns

Instructions for use

From the search term page, given a search key, you can search: all terms that match exactly with it, all terms that begin with it, all terms that contain it.
When you have found the term you were looking for, add it to your personal vocabulary. In the same way you can delete it from your personal vocabulary.
Otherwise, keep the touch if you want to modify the details, or to copy it or to delete it from the complete vocabulary.
From the main menu you can also add a new word or a new verb to the complete vocabulary.

In the review phase, whether with manual or automatic advancement, Lexicando is based on your settings for the choice the terms subset of the personal vocabulary to be reviewed.
You are presented with the term in the original language, you are given time to think or pronounce its translation, and finally you are presented with the term in the language studied, which, in the case of a noun, will include the article.
The succession of terms and translations, in case of review through the app is done with a touch, by contrast through the widget is automatic and works even when the screen is off.
The presentation speed is configurable, the audio can be disabled and it is also possible to review only the verbs conjugations.

It is recommended to have the high-definition speech synthesis libraries pre-installed on your mobile phone.
In case you have not already installed them, the first time you use Lexicando, Android will propose the installation in a completely automatic and free.
Any reports of anomalies and proposals for new features are welcome.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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