Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion MyDraw / Jun 17 2020 Reply To: MyDraw / Jun 17 2020

#15991367 Quote

So many problems… I didn’t have any of them! I got my username and password from the page on SOS that contains the download link and installation instructions. I followed the instructions and now have version 4.3 activated, license terms:
“Note: The subsciption in this order is valid unitl Thursday, June 17, 2021” (that’s a copy from their webpage after I logged in and checked licenses — I’m so glad the program is better than the spell-checking).

This is a VERY nice program, similar to Visio. I don’t think it has the programming capabilities — don’t remember :( and no time tonight to check. It has lots of templates, and it’s easy to use once you try it out for a bit. You can create just about any kind of chart you can think of, with many different symbol sets to work with. Family tree, Org Chart, swim-lane charts, all sorts of diagrams… Thanks SOS and MyDraw for offering this again!