Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Macrorit Partition Extender Pro Edition / Sep 10 2020

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  • #16471258 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Macrorit Partition Extender Pro Edition? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Macrorit Partition Extender Pro Edition, post it here! If you know of issues with Macrorit Partition Extender Pro Edition, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #16471956 Reply | Quote
    nigel oldale

    looks like a great program but i can not get the REG code to be accepted can you help please

    #16473265 Reply | Quote

    Download, installation AND registration went fine for me. I have a small 240gb SSD I use as my C drive and it is getting filled despite trying to keep programs, etc. on my 2 tb hard drive. I’m going to see if I can access some of the HD space to my C drive.

    I should probably just buy a bigger SSD as they are getting pretty inexpensive now, but let me try this first as I have a ton of available space on the HD.

    #16473821 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    Waaaa … the portable version does not function in safe mode with “storage access driver failed to install”.

    Microsoft [ Disk Manager ] loads in safe mode.

    I’ll try it on another computer.

    Why safe mode? Because I’m fixing this computer, and it would be once if tools worked in safe mode.

    And this is from 2018-12-09 – do they want feedback because they are working on a January 2019 potential release of an improved version?

    #16474147 Reply | Quote

    Interesting. They seem to have renamed the product’s name. It used to be called Macrorit Disk Partition Expert Pro.

    #16474342 Reply | Quote

    I have an earlier version (giveaway), so I am not able to insert a registration code, as it use the old one. How do I change it?

    #16474760 Reply | Quote

    [@John] Partitions need to be contained within a physical drive, cannot span across drives. So there would be no way to use part of a hard disk to expand the “C:” partition on your SSD. I recommend moving or reinstalling the larger programs that you don’t use often to a different drive.

    Just as a reference point, I have a 512GB SSD with 2 partitions (plus the recovery and other partitions from my original hard drive). I have a “C:” partition with 344 GB (116 of those are still free) and a “Q:” partition with 106 GB I used for a big fast temporary storage area for faster video and audio processing. Over 1,000 programs installed. I keep all my pictures, movies, music, samples and sound libraries, and my spreadsheets, PDFs and other documents all on hard disk drives. Games (about 20% of the 1,000+ programs) are installed to a hard drive, not the SSD. So far this has worked well. My next upgrade will be a better graphics card, not a bigger SSD :)

    #16474809 Reply | Quote

    Does anybody have the reg.number, i just can’t find it ? Thanks !

    #16475565 Reply | Quote

    What is gong on?? Name has changed. Old name & date got from U: Macrorit Partition Expert Pro Edition v5.3.9 sos 20200420. This apparently is the new name, but the file date is 20181209. Something is wrong & doesn’t make sense. Pls have the courtesy to explain. Last time 1 DLL did not load; & prog would not start.

    #16475950 Reply | Quote

    Thanks !

    #16476685 Reply | Quote

    [@Eric] I have version 5.3.2 from SOS, giveaway on 9/18/17, “Macrorit Disk Partition Expert Pro Edition”. Must have missed the April 2020 giveaway. I could find nothing on their site that mentions Disk Partition Expert or compares it with Partition Extender. So I don’t know if Extender has more features or less, or which is faster (they seem to think speed is their best feature – which is simple not very important for something you’ll run maybe once every six months or less). There’s a free version that doesn’t work for C: partitions (so it’s kind of pointless for most people).

    I had a good laugh over the description of disasters this program keeps away from my PC: “Windows System Exception, blue screen, software conflict, bug, system crash, virus attack, power off, hard disk failure and others.” Seems like they are reaching pretty deep into the list of issues! If your system (C:) partition fills up, I could see maybe getting a system crash or blue screen that would require a power off. Maybe “software conflict” means programs are competing for space in the page file or swap file or virtual memory or whatever they call it these days, and one of them loses. If the program that fails due to lack of space is your antivirus, well, maybe you’ll get a virus attack (if it can find room to run). But ALL of these issues can occur while the program is running, or after partition expansion is finished. This program might help to some small degree, but to claim it keeps disasters away is quite an exaggeration.

    If you use this, or any other partitioning program, please make a full backup image of the disk you plan to change.

    #16482845 Reply | Quote

    I have found that Macrorit products are reliable and easy to use!
    Thank you for the download!!

    #16493959 Reply | Quote

    why have trojanhorse? becarefull before installing. i scanned 360 total security have trojanhorse

    #16502151 Reply | Quote

    [@Mr.Dave] Appreciate your effort & response!

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Reply To: Macrorit Partition Extender Pro Edition / Sep 10 2020