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This Python Programming for Everyone course will teach you the Python programming language from an absolute beginner level to advanced in no time at all. This 1-hour course starts by setting downloading & installing Python and the Sublime Text Editor, both for free, to give you all the tools you need to start writing and running Python code. The course will then dive into very basic computer science concepts including printing to the screen, string manipulation, data types, and assignment operators. From there, you’ll move to more intermediate topics such as while loops and fizzbuzz, and finally finish up with more advanced topics like functions, modules, and classes.

  • Access 28 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Download & install Python 3 for free
  • Understand basic computer science concepts
  • Learn object-oriented programming
  • Get advanced topics on Python including functions, modules, & classes

In this course, you’ll learn how to build simple websites with Django and Python. The instructor will show you how to download and install Python and Django and then create a website. The course will be focusing on building basic static websites and you won’t be doing any database work. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to build simple personal or business websites.

  • Access 21 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Get a basic introduction to Django & learn how it works w/ Python
  • Understand basic CSS w/ Bootstrap
  • Learn how to manage URLs & use static image files
  • Install Django & know how to build simple websites
  • Learn how to create views & pages and use templates

This course will walk you through Django and Python step by step and teach you to build your first web app in minutes. The instructor will show you how to build a cool To-Do List app step by step as you follow along and build your own copy. You’ll be amazed how quick and easy it is to create very professional looking websites, even if you have no programming or web design experience at all. By the end of the course, you’ll have a solid understanding of Django and how to use it to build awesome web apps.

  • Access of 28 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Get a basic introduction to Django
  • Learn how to manage URLs & use static image files
  • Understand basic CSS w/ Bootstrap 4.1
  • Learn how to build database-driven websites w/ Django
  • Learn how to create views/pages & use templates and databases w/ Django

This course will teach you how to build a website that shows news on the growing industry of cryptocurrencies. In this course, you’ll build a website using Django v.2.0.7, Python v.3.7.0, and Bootstrap v4.1.1 and connect it to a free third party crypto API. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to pull news stories, crypto price data, and more and output it onto the screen of your website automatically.

  • Access 25 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Learn how to manage URLs & use templates
  • Understand basic CSS w/ Bootstrap 4.1
  • Learn how to build API-driven websites w/ Django
  • Know how to get crypto price data

This course will walk you through Django and Python step by step and teach you to build your first web app in minutes. The instructor will show you how to build a cool User Authorization app as you follow along and write your own copy. This course contains 30 lectures and by the end of it, you’ll have a solid understanding of Django and how to use it to build awesome web apps. You’ll build a cool User Authorization app that lets users sign up, log in, log out, edit their profiles, and change their passwords.

  • Access 30 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Install Django & get a basic introduction on how it works
  • Learn how to build a user authentication system in Django & let users register, log out, edit profiles, and more
  • Download & install Python
  • Understand basic CSS w/ Bootstrap 4.1

This course will teach you how to get your newly-built Django apps up onto the internet. In this 35-lecture course, you’ll build a cool address book app in Django 2 and Python 3 to teach you how to get your Django apps off your computer and have them hosted live online. This course covers the installation of Python, Django, Virtualenv, and Heroku Toolbelt, tweaking of Django app’s setting to work with Heroku, pushing your code to Github and Heroku, setting up Postgres databases in the cloud, building a cool little address book app, and much more.

  • Access 35 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Install Python, Virtualenv, Heroku Toolbelt, Django, Git Bash & Heroku Dependencies
  • Learn how to push Django codes to Heroku
  • Create basic database apps in Django

In this course, you’ll be using Python 3 to build a couple of different cryptocurrency portfolio apps that pull information from the CoinMarketCap.com free API and display them in a graphical user interface app. This course is great for people who want to expand their Python skillset, as well as people interested in cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency trading. Your finished app will be able to track current prices of any cryptocurrency that you specify, giving you price data as well as other related data.

  • Access 20 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Learn to build cryptocurrency portfolio apps, basic GUI apps with TKinter & Python apps that run in the terminal
  • Check cryptocurrency prices programmatically w/ Python
  • Connect to a web API using Python
  • Build Python apps that have graphic user interfaces
  • Get historic cryptocurrency data w/ Python

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