Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion RoboKiller Spam Call & Text Blocker: 2-Year Subscription / Jul 10 2021

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    Have something to say about RoboKiller Spam Call & Text Blocker: 2-Year Subscription? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than RoboKiller Spam Call & Text Blocker: 2-Year Subscription, post it here! If you know of issues with RoboKiller Spam Call & Text Blocker: 2-Year Subscription, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #18180380 Reply | Quote
    notim porrtant

    well i just gotta say i find it hillious how thee’s 50% off discount fo 2 years of a product which may be obsolete very very soon (at least in places such as the us europe and most of the world alleady has pretty good obocall potections)

    i mean seriously people read/watch the news
    the fcc recently rrecently decided to strike hard against robocallers and they’ll be blocking thoes cammers and….
    on the phone company’s level

    this discount is for 2 years upfront for a service that’ll basiclly be useless

    and as much as i am a skeptic and pessimist… while it’s rare for the goverment to deal with such issues effectivly it dosen’t seem like such a complicated task

    anyway…. just saying….
    hillrious how the company is trying to suck as much money as possible before cutting back

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Reply To: RoboKiller Spam Call & Text Blocker: 2-Year Subscription / Jul 10 2021