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Software de Diagnosis para instalar en un Smartphone y poder chequear todos los datos de las UCEs o Centralitas de los coches como se hace en los Talleres con los Equipos de Diagnosis Profesionales.

Para que funcione este Software en optimas condiciones, necesita un dispositivo Adaptador que es un circuito electrónico capaz de filtrar mensajes tal como lo hace el de MARCAS + OBD de Autoxuga

Hay muchos Adaptadores en el mercado que tienen un circuito de baja calidad y no se debieran utilizar para conectar al coche y tratar de realizar la diagnosis electrónica del mismo porque hay la posibilidad de que estos dispositivos de baja calidad deterioren las UCEs o Centralitas de los coches

Con el Software de Diagnosis de Autoxuga que le ofrecemos y con el Adaptador de Autoxuga dispondrá de un potente Equipo de Diagnosis similar al de los Talleres y podrá leer parámetros en tiempo real y averías de los coches y realizar el borrado de las mismas

Este software con el Adaptador de MARCAS + OBD de Autoxuga va a funcionar en coches fabricados a partir del año 2008 en las UCEs de: Motor diesel, Motor gasolina, Motor OBD, ABS, ESP, Airbag, Cuadro instrumentos, Cambio automático, Klima, Gateway, etc., y para coches fabricados despues del año 2000 solamente mostrará datos de la contaminación relacionados en los protocolos OBD

Si cada mes realiza una diagnosis al coche con esta App y el Adaptador de Autoxuga y borra las averías esporádicas que aparecen, podrá ahorrar en Talleres y Combustible unos 600 euros al año, alargará la vida útil del coche y reducirá la contaminación

Para tener mas conocimientos sobre la técnica de diagnosis de los coches aconsejamos que lea los capítulos de Diagnosis y Códigos de averías en nuestra web:


Empresa ESPAÑOLA que elabora desde hace mas de 25 años Programas Informáticos de Gestión, Recambios, Contabilidad, Técnica y fabrica Equipos de Diagnosis Multimarca

Para ampliar información pueden llamar al teléfono +34629884413

email... [email protected] Software to install on a Smartphone and to be able to check all the data of the ECUs or Switchboards of the cars as it is done in the Workshops with the Professional Diagnosis Teams.

In order for this Software to work in optimal conditions, you need an Adapter device that is an electronic circuit capable of filtering messages just like Autoxuga's BRANDS + OBD does.

There are many Adapters on the market that have a poor quality circuit and should not be used to connect to the car and try to carry out the electronic diagnosis of it because there is the possibility that these low quality devices deteriorate the ECUs or ECUs of the cars.

With the Autoxuga Diagnostic Software that we offer you and with the Autoxuga Adapter, you will have a powerful Diagnostic Equipment similar to that of the Workshops and you will be able to read parameters in real time and car breakdowns and erase them

This software with the Autoxuga BRAND + OBD Adapter will work in cars manufactured from the year 2008 in the ECUs of: Diesel engine, Gasoline engine, OBD engine, ABS, ESP, Airbag, Instrument panel, Automatic transmission , Klima, Gateway, etc. , and for cars built after the year 2000 it will only show related pollution data in the OBD protocols

If every month you carry out a diagnosis of the car with this App and the Autoxuga Adapter and erase the sporadic breakdowns that appear, you will be able to save in Workshops and Fuel about 600 euros a year, it will extend the useful life of the car and reduce pollution

To have more knowledge about the technique of diagnosing cars, we advise you to read the Diagnosis and Fault Codes chapters on our website:


SPANISH company that has developed for more than 25 years Computer Programs for Management, Spare Parts, Accounting, Technique and manufactures Multibrand Diagnostic Equipment

For more information you can call the phone +34629884413

email ... [email protected]

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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