Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than HitPaw Compressor, post it here! If you know of issues with HitPaw Compressor, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)
[@Felix Crevat] Hi. “1 Year” here means through buying the “1 year” package, you can enjoy the software for a year without any limitation. And when the year is over, you may encounter some limitations, but the program will not disable itself or stops receiving support and updates.
[@Enzo Pezzullo] Ciao, puoi fornire il numero d’ordine che appare dopo l’acquisto o l’indirizzo email utilizzato per l’acquisto del prodotto, posso aiutarti a trovare il codice di registrazione.
[@Joy Lee] Hi, can you please provide a screenshot of it? And you can visit here: https://support.hitpaw.com/#/ to fill in the form, and we’ll have people there to help you solve this problem.