You have to stare in sheer disbelief at the $149.95 sticker price RaidLabs has stuck on this product. Pretty obviously, they’ve plucked the figure out of thin in hope of persuading the gullible that if it’s high priced — and oh my, this is THE most expensive data recovery software in the WORLD — then it has to be the best in the world, right? Wrong. Ridiculous price hyping like this is an embarrassment to the product, the producer and any user who even thinks it’s credible. I was going to download and try this just for the heck of it — yay! $149.99 for free?? — but Dennis’s comprehensive review has saved me the bother. RaidLabs might do better, abandoning software publishing altogether and instead giving us all a laugh by touring the country as a vaudeville act. vaudeville comedy act while the rest of us pay absolutely nothing, ever, to Piriform for Recuva.