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Dang this is some major funs. Great graphics in cartoony format especially the long opening part, optional. Had me chuckle a lot which never happens.
Game itself definitely rewards brainwaves. Gotta pound away at some points then game guy gives a little thumbs up to show ‘see that’s how we roll’. I play on
a PC with fb & mouse and options allow for config the few keys used. Arrows for moving, keys for actions. That’s my only gripe since there are parts where the
platformer nature of game kicks in. Can be some falls/die timing leaps & hit at same time. Used Cntrl and Alt keys in the end for jump and hit. Almost need a gamepad or something. But doable so far as made it thru first level to save point. Can’t exit safely until then. Game is forgiving as death just puts you back a short bit not to restart of level (that would be major quit for me). Can choose to replay level at end of it. But so neat that better to just press on via quit as save or go to that next level.
Really makes you just wanting to know what the heck is next. Surprising things like making those extra launch points appear by whacking at a hunk of
vegetation or having to move around a box with chains/locks to hit it from both sides. Those mad house creatures. Don’t pass up on this classic!
Windows 10 x64 Pro. Not massive size d/l. Easy create an account.