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★★★Limited promo sale now!★★★
25th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2012
★ 344 pages of the latest world leading graphic design
★Now pay only 4,99€ instead of 28€ for printed version. Save your money and what’s better – save the tree.
★English/Czech dual-edition

★★★ czech summary ★★★
Aplikace je elektronickou verzí tištěného katalogu 25. mezinárodního bienále grafického designu Brno 2012, který vydává Moravská galerie v Brně. Publikace obsahuje exponáty, reprodukce plakátů a knih ze soutěžní přehlídky.
Více informací o samotném Bienále najdete také ve speciálním vydáni MEM magazínu – Brno Biennial dostupném v AppStore.

★★★ english description ★★★
The publication is an official version of printed catalogue of the 25th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2012 published by the Moravian Gallery in Brno. The publication includes exhibits from the Brno Biennial international competition.
For more information on Brno Biennial see the special issue of MEM magazine – Brno Biennial available on AppStore.

25th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2012
The International Biennial of Graphic Design, established in Brno in 1963, is one of the oldest and most important events in the field of visual communication worldwide.
The core of the upcoming 25th Brno Biennial is its international competition, aiming to present a broad spectrum of contemporary graphic design and its metamorphoses across media and forms. The exhibition consists of works selected by a specialist board featuring designers and design theoreticians..
The 25th Brno Biennial consists of A an international competition, B an exhibition under a guest curator, C accompanying thematic shows and D an introductory three-day series of Biennial Talks.
The 25th International Biennial of Graphic Design takes place from 21 June to 28 October 2012 on the premises of the Moravian Gallery in Brno.
The Brno Biennial is co-organised by the Moravian Gallery in Brno and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, and is supported by the Southern Moravia Region, the City of Brno and Czech Centres.
Board of Organizers
Radim Peško, Chair
Iva Knobloch, Vice-chair
Hana Prixová-Dvorská, Vice-chair
Marek Pokorný, Director of the Moravian Gallery in Brno and Brno Biennial
Marta Sylvestrová, Curator of the Brno Biennial
Miroslava Pluháčková, Organizing Secretary
Tomáš Celizna, Adam Macháček, members of the Board of Organizers
History of the Brno Biennial

The birth of the Brno Biennial took place against a backdrop of the cultural and political situation in the 1960's, when events were driven by efforts on the part of Czechoslovak artists and designers to develop their right to free artistic expression, tempered by the possibility of comparing what they designed with international counterparts.

The First Czechoslovak Exhibition of Poster and Promotional Graphics was organised by the Moravian Gallery, Brno in 1964. From 1966 onwards it was followed by regular international exhibitions that worked to embrace a wide spectrum of graphic design. The original multi-thematic structure of the Brno Biennial comprised three exhibition disciplines. After 1968, the discipline involving exhibition design was abandoned as it proved too demanding. Two basic subjects have alternated at the Brno Biennial since 1970: (1) Poster, corporate identity, information and promotional graphics, and (2) Graphic design and typography in books, magazines, newspapers and the digital media.

The Brno Biennial has provided a major international platform for exhibitions, discussions and relevant accompanying programmes on dynamically-expanding graphic design and its importance to visual culture, for over five decades


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