Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Eassos System Restore / Oct 27 2016

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  • #5999956 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Eassos System Restore? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Eassos System Restore, post it here! If you know of issues with Eassos System Restore, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #6001518 Reply | Quote

    My experience with this type of software is that if it is suitable for a version of Windows, it is not necessarily for another. In addition, if they have no problem to make a backup, it’s another story to restore the system with success.
    I’ll test this one at the first opportunity…. thanks !

    #6002270 Reply | Quote

    Thank you Ashraf and Eassos. I am going to give this a try. I would like to ask if this software can mount and Image backup and allow you to copy individual files from the mounted image? Or is there any way to restore individual files with this software?

    #6002457 Reply | Quote

    Reading the description, “It backs up everything — operating system, personal data, installed applications, etc.” For backing up applications, does that just copy files, or does it know which files belong to which applications and allow you to restore individual programs?

    #6003350 Reply | Quote

    Will this software make a backup to an External hard drive? When I plug in my External USB drive and select “Options” after selecting Backup the only destination drive it gives me the option to backup to is the primary drive, it doesn’t even list my external drive.

    Would I be correct in thinking that this software will backup your primary hard drive ONLY to the primary hard drive in a newly created partition on the same hard drive?

    #6004237 Reply | Quote

    [@Bob] Your comment made me seek out more info. The website states, “Incremental backup is provided, which backs up changed files after the first full backup of system partition, saving disk space and backup time. Accordingly, system can be restored to any state that has been backed up before.”
    I was able to install easily to laptop, but think that I would rather install it to a thumbdrive to save space. Then I will try it out.

    #6004239 Reply | Quote

    This software changed the boot-options without my permission,and than I couldn´t reboot my pc normaly with windows10. I had some trouble to change these settings. It is also not possible to create a backup on an external hard drive. That´s the reason why I uninstalled this software immediately. Very bad…

    #6004345 Reply | Quote
    Hans Van Weezel

    Somebody can explain the advantage vs. the build-in Windows System Restore ?

    #6004352 Reply | Quote
    Adrian Miller

    Just No. Unless you know what youre doing its a bad idea to use any “recovery” program that messes with the MBR.

    Especially On OEM PC’s/Laptops messing with the MBR should never be done as they already have a recovery environment linked to this.

    Want to create a customised recovery backup of your drive?, install all your programs and set your PC/Laptop up as you like it and then use soemthing like Macrium Reflect to image it onto an external drive, which you put in the cupboard until you need it. Storing a recovery image on an in use 24/7 spinnning disk is asking for trouble (you should always on an OEM laptop actually follow the advice to create a set of recovery DVD’s or USB key. If you use an SSD drive, its a waste of precious space to store an image on the SSD. Like i said, image to an external drive that sits in the cupbaord until you need it.

    #6004636 Reply | Quote

    [@Adrian Miller]Can you please explore a bit more on the SSD point? I did so with AOMEI one key recovery. Trying to build in some extra security after a serious crash with my former SSD, I had made a clone of my SSD on a HDD drive in the past, but it failed to boot when really needed (all happened when upgrading from W8.1 to W10). Recently was mentioned in one of the comments that a clone often fails to copy the MBR…. so this can be in conflict with your statement on Macrium Reflect (my clone was also made with AOMEI BU’r, and it booted in the past – so I felt safe …untill really needed). Can a SSD really be cloned to a standard HDD?

    #6004699 Reply | Quote

    I have version 2.0.1 from SoS-2015-07-27. I am guessing that this version can be installed over version 2.0.1, and not worry about any compatibility issues with the recovery partition or creating/recovering from the original created partitions. Please advise. Thanking you in advance.

    #6004736 Reply | Quote
    Butt Butter

    [@Adrian Miller] Well played sir, well played. Saved my ass for sure, I was about to download this (yet another garbage program) but after reading this and the fact you can’t back it up to an external I said “piss off mate”.

    Oh look I get to enter my info twice and do the I’m not a fucking robot twice, god damn wanker fix your shit forum.

    #6005108 Reply | Quote

    Yup crap as you cannot backup to an external drive. Stuff sucks

    #6006170 Reply | Quote

    Works great!
    Thank you Ashraf and Eassos!

    #6006843 Reply | Quote

    While all software of this type is unaware the presence of Rollback Rx during the backup, this one proves to be incompatible!
    The backup whom he created first on my system is a situation of July, 2016!
    Where did he go to search these data? I see only an explanation: in a snapshot of Rollback.
    A good thing would be to inform of it the users.

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Reply To: Eassos System Restore / Oct 27 2016