Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion The Multi-Faceted Microsoft Office Professional Bundle / Jan 25 2017

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  • #6930405 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about The Multi-Faceted Microsoft Office Professional Bundle? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than The Multi-Faceted Microsoft Office Professional Bundle, post it here! If you know of issues with The Multi-Faceted Microsoft Office Professional Bundle, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #6936814 Reply | Quote
    Marney Macdonald

    I almost purchased this bundle because it is called “The MultiFaceted Microsoft Office Professional Bundle”. It is extremely deceiving and i bet you have caught innocent people and made money off them.
    You should be completely upfront with people if you want them to trust you.
    This is not a multifaceted microsoft office professional bundle
    It’s a COURSE.
    Try telling the truth … I am very disappointed. And i think sharewareonsale.com should consider removing this or at least putting in big bold letters ATTENTION THIS IS NOT SOFTWARE to stop people from being tricked into buying something that purports what it is not.

    #6939277 Reply | Quote
    Jan Gow

    I can’t understand this. Whatever is offered for #39 I don’t know. I THOUGHT it was the full software as listed. But it seems it is the course. Why offer the course for $39 on one page and then show it as costing $699 on another?

    How much does the course cost? And is the software – Power point, Word, etc etc – included?

    #6941828 Reply | Quote

    I am wondering whether this Office Bundle is also usable for German users writing German texts etc.

    #6941843 Reply | Quote

    Is it the software or just a course how to use the software?

    #7580609 Reply | Quote

    Second sentence in the description, “In this course, you’ll learn the ins and outs of Office on multiple platforms,—“. Don’t feel bad, I missed it, too, until I read the remarks that came before mine.

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Reply To: The Multi-Faceted Microsoft Office Professional Bundle / Jan 25 2017