Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion 8K Player / Aug 26 2017 Reply To: 8K Player / Aug 26 2017

#9883806 Quote

I really never had the chance to try it out I downloaded the program and later that day reformatted my HD due to issues with my computer but I had save the installer and Key thinking I could reinstall the program later. Well needless to say once I tried to reinstall it my license Key was void. I tried to E-Mail the company and ask why this was and got no response at all. I personally might have bought something from this company but if I could not receive a response from my question I can just imagine how customer support would be if I had bought this program and ended up having issues, But who know’s maybe they treat there paying customers different,I personally am not going to take the chance .. Thank’s but no thank’s. There are plenty of other companies out there not to mention all the free players that do what this player does so why take a chance on buying something when they can’t even respond to an E-mail question..