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The book, written by Sam O. Salau is an unusual one. I got to know him through a younger friend of mine, Rotimi Fadipe, an Executive Director with the Honeywell Flourmills Plc in Nigeria. He is one person for whom I have an extraordinarily great respect. He is honesty personified. That is just his description. He introduced Sam O Salau to me.

When the request to write the foreword to this book was made, I could never say no, to this unusual privilege. I later got to know that Sam had before this one, written several other books.

This book is written in the didactic style of a medical doctor, who does the prognosis of issues in the life of a Pastor or Preacher's Kid and prescribes attendant solutions, or would I say, reliefs. I am not sure Sam is a Pastor's Kid, but whether he is or not, he knows the Pastor's Kid.

We are introduced to the unique life of the Pastor's Kid, which is intertwined with the life of his or her parents. A call on the Father or Mother is also seen as a call on him or her. The expectation of the world, on the parents, is also their expectation on the Pastor's Kid, (hereinafter referred to as P. K), the age difference notwithstanding. This unwittingly puts a lot of pressure on the young P. K. This expectation has given rise to diverse types of P. Ks. Some had as a result become Lukewarm P. Ks, Worldly P. Ks, Lost P. Ks and the Ideal P. Ks, amongst others, as he rightly observed. What they became or would become, would emanate from their respective ability to handle these pressure points. To each of these character types, Sam, proffered mitigating prescriptions for handling the issues of life.

The chapters described the Unrealistic Expectations on the Pastor's Kid by the world, the Sacrifices they make, their Low Key social life, their Individual Personal Challenges, the Unstable life they are forced to live as a result of the regular transfers of their parents, the Negative Reports from church politics as it affects their parents (and they too, ultimately). The chapters continue with the Parenting they receive, which in most cases is too little as a result of the work load of their parents, the P. K's love life, the dangers they face from the affective wrong friends, and so on.

The strength of this book is in the fact that each chapter could stand alone as a book. It is such an unusual book in that each chapter starts with each challenge and then goes on to proffer solutions as to how the P. K could handle it. It goes beyond this, to suggest to the parents as to how to help the Kids handle the issues. It is such a total book.

It is an exposition of the life of a Pastor's Kid, by one who is one or by someone especially gifted to be able to enter into their world. I was most touched by the chapter that shows how miserable P.Ks are when they get to new postings of their parents. While the Pastor and his wife are received with pomp and pageantry, the kids are lost in the crowd. Before they could make new friends, their parents are on the march again. The book gives very down to earth and sincere suggestions to the P.Ks on how to handle such situations. It goes further to teach the practical lessons to parents on how to assist their wards at such times.

There is no chapter that is out of place, the flow of the prose is flawless from the beginning to the end. It is a book that each Preacher or Pastor should have and of course, to the Pastor's Kid, it is a new gospel on how to handle the challenges thrown at them, by the reason of the special assignment of their parents in this world. All church leaders should have it as reference material on church relationship within the topmost hierarchy of the church.

I sincerely hope that Sam would follow up this with the challenges of the Pastors and the Pastor's Wife, they would make beautiful and instructive reading. Welcome to the world of the Preacher's Kids.

Rev Dele Abegunde
District Overseer: Foursquare Gospel Church
Magodo District Headquarters,Ikeja, Lagos

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