Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Vole PDF Creator Professional LTUD / May 18 2018 Reply To: Vole PDF Creator Professional LTUD / May 18 2018

#11128691 Quote
Doktor Thomas™

This software looks interesting.
I have a daily need for PDF editing software since Adobe has lost its way. Each new offerring raises my curiosity.
This software is poorly presented. The author’s page may be well conceived but the message is unclear. One simply cannot tell what this software does and doesn’t do.

Perhaps non-Americans are impressed with Word, but Microsoft is more loathed than liked. Their bloated illogical software is simply expensive and unhandy. So reference to it when proffering third-party software is not an asset. [I have been a WordPerfect fan since WordPerfect2.0; it is head and shoulders above MSFT–unless you are illogical and like unnecessarily complicated interfaces and poorly written, large bloat, slow operating software.] Even if Office came entirely free EOM (it isn’t worth any more than that price) with my PC, I would use WordPerfect and their office suit.

This PDF offer is further complicated by the “LCUD” add-on–a meaningless acronym for all individuals who do not work for the authoring company. It means nothing to outsiders; it is unexplained anywhere I could I find.

The authors’ details regarding the use of “tables” within the software are imprecise. Any good wordprocessing software handles tables that can be accurately converted to PDF. WordPerfect does this nicely, by the way. Whatever is being said by the author, is unclear. So what then does this software do?

That more than anything is the question.

While grammatically correct, it is apparent non-American English speakers developed the website and software. If native web builders were employed, they do not understand what the software does either. In any event, the company needs to approach the sale of the software as if users have no previous experience (except booting winOS) in order to clearly delineate what the software does and doesn’t do. It is plainly unclear. ©2018