Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion WinUtilities Pro / Nov 28 2018 Reply To: WinUtilities Pro / Nov 28 2018

#12582079 Quote

China, folks.Yep, China has a GM plant, but we are closing ours. Am I talking off topic? No, really I am not. Just trying to give a hint in a subtle way. I mean, I would never slam or discriminate against China. They are good people. If thought that was my subtle hint, that this software which appears to be owned by an American company, but is ultimately owned by a China company, then you are wrong. That is not what I was hinting at, although it is true that this China is behind this software. I wasn’t trying to slam China, in fact, if anything, I was praising China. But, I really wasn’t praising anyone, because that isn’t what I was hinting about. I know it appears that I was slamming or discriminating against China, but I really wasn’t. I’ve got to go, so I really can’t get into what my point was really about. But, I am sure someone will get it, and explain it fairly.