Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Vov Start Stop / May 26 2019 Reply To: Vov Start Stop / May 26 2019

#13807287 Quote

No help file or instructions that I could find.

Really not sure how it works

It seems that you choose a length of time for the ‘stop / start’ to happen, but it is the same length of time for all processes that you add.

It starts a ‘countdown’ as soon as you open it, but it’s not obvious if you have to leave it running / open or whether it has set up a ‘schedule’

I was really hoping that it could start a process, let it run for a short time and then close the process, but it seems to be hardwired to do a stop first and then a start.

I have a process I want to run that saves some info from my PC. It just needs to be started once a day and then closed. I was really hoping this program would do that for me but it won’t unfortunately.