Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Vov Start Stop / May 26 2019

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  • #13806430 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Vov Start Stop? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Vov Start Stop, post it here! If you know of issues with Vov Start Stop, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #13807287 Reply | Quote

    No help file or instructions that I could find.

    Really not sure how it works

    It seems that you choose a length of time for the ‘stop / start’ to happen, but it is the same length of time for all processes that you add.

    It starts a ‘countdown’ as soon as you open it, but it’s not obvious if you have to leave it running / open or whether it has set up a ‘schedule’

    I was really hoping that it could start a process, let it run for a short time and then close the process, but it seems to be hardwired to do a stop first and then a start.

    I have a process I want to run that saves some info from my PC. It just needs to be started once a day and then closed. I was really hoping this program would do that for me but it won’t unfortunately.

    #13808066 Reply | Quote
    Marcio Antonio Gonçalves dos Santos

    I was really hoping that it could start a process, let it run for a short time and then close the process, but it seems to be hardwired to do a stop first and then a start.

    I have a process I want to run that saves some info from my PC. It just needs to be started once a day and then closed. I was really hoping this program would do that for me but it won’t unfortunately.

    #13811799 Reply | Quote

    Here’s a 3 line Powershell script that will kill a process and then reopen it. In this example I kill Notepad and then reopen it.

    taskkill /f /im notepad.exe
    & C:\WINDOWS\system32/notepad.exe

    Type Powershell in the search box and choose Windows PowerShell ISE.
    Paste above code into the blue area. Then Save As somewhere.
    Open File Explorer and find your saved file. It’s extension will be .ps1
    Right click on it then click Run with Powershell

    #13811844 Reply | Quote

    [@Marcio Antonio Gonçalves dos Santos]

    Here’s a Powershell script that will open Notepad, sleep 53 seconds then close it.

    Sleep -seconds 53
    taskkill /f /im notepad.exe

    #13818073 Reply | Quote

    [@RockFox] Perfect – thanks!

    #13819543 Reply | Quote
    Antonio Mungioli

    It does not install.
    Several failure messages.

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Reply To: Vov Start Stop / May 26 2019