Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion WinToHDD Professional / Jun 9 2019 Reply To: WinToHDD Professional / Jun 9 2019

#13902760 Quote

I’ve been cloning in a dual sata usb 3 dock, push one button and walk away, no computer necessary or co-opted or preoccupied.

THAT’S easy.

Microcenter sells a dual sata usb 3 cloning dock for $30, and can be used for twin online drives between cloning activities.

C’mon Peter. You’re of bad beliefs, don’t you ?
How can you compare a software cloning tool with a hardware cloning tool ?
Let’s say you have a hard drive with 3 partitions : Windows system, data 1 (work files) and data 2 (private files).
Try to explain us how you can just clone the Windows system ONLY, with your dual sata dock ?
You can’t. Because it’s not possible using a hardware cloning tool.

But ok, maybe HDD Pro can be “not so easy to use” software. Ok ok. But “if you don’t know what you are
about to do”, then do not use it.

As I have dual sata cloning dock too, I only use it to “rough” clone a disk to another disk, no matter how
many partitions are there.
But when I just need to clone (or copy) a simple partition from a multi-partition disk, I use software.