Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Software Update PRO / Aug 30 2020 Reply To: Software Update PRO / Aug 30 2020

#16414884 Quote
Peter Blaise

Nope, trying different versions, old versions are available direct from Glarysoft’s own [ FilePuma. com ], and trying different computers, rebooting, doing all the other things I recommended above, Software Update Pro still returns

[ Failed(download failure) ]

as of this moment, unable to download the updates for our other programs that Software Update Pro says we need and are available, it is essentially a program that lists some other programs that might be updatable, so take note and go elsewhere to actually update out other programs, such as from within each separate program themselves – probably the safest idea – or directly from the program vendor’s web site – the next great idea, but essentially bay any other means EXCEPT Glarysoft Software Update Pro, which seems broken at the moment at Glarysoft’s end.

Note Glarysoft Software Update ( not Pro ) and Glary Utilities both open a web page where we can download updates for other programs that they discovered are updatable, so there’s no absolute need for the Pro version, especially if the pro version is not even as effective, and has no fall-back method that when it fails, it instead opens a web page for us to download from.

Keep checking back to see if Glarysoft ever checks in here and tells us what they did to remedy the situation.


Glarysoft, are you there?