Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Perfect PDF 9 Editor / Sep 1 2020 Reply To: Perfect PDF 9 Editor / Sep 1 2020

#16467526 Quote
Peter Blaise

Well, the entertainment value of this software offering just keeps on giving.

Seriously [@– bill], again with the ZIP file, when we already explained that we have the software installed NO PROBLEM, it just won’t phone home, and Soft-Xpansion took a long time ( how many days now ? ) to respond to email ( and no, we did not need Gary to explain how to wait for an email reply ), and once I manually correlated one of their responses with the appropriate computer, email, and registration, I had it working on screen, and saw that it has no awareness of page structures, has no idea what headers and footers are, what page numbers are, it can’t even search let alone search and replace ( why am I repeating this ? ), unable to bring sophisticated intelligence to the human meaning of document contents, and only offering low-level tools and controls over PDF page elements, basically, it sucks, basically like throwing sockets, wrench, and screwdrivers at us when our goal it to plan and execute a car roadtrip cross country – hello, maps, weather, tools, fuel, food, lodging … a screwdriver helps how? Ahh, analogies …

I did not have an “approachability” challenge, no “help” needed, since I’m well versed in PDF editing, having trained US federal government agency employees how to meet Section 508 standards by reflowing PDFs for screen readers for the blind ( oh, I’m sorry, I don’t believe in throwing around braggadocio credentials, my bad ), and that was 10+ years ago, and Adobe Acrobat Pro at that time was more sophisticated than Soft-Xpansion over 10 years later, hence my immediate assessment that it sucks, please re-read my report after it finally appeared on my screen – the vendor and the software are Not Ready For Prime Time Yet, NRFPTY, Nerf Putty.

( But then, consider Microsoft Windows 10, all 12+ editions … and STILL Not Ready For Prime Time Yet, oh my ! )

I LOVE that you offer no alternative insights on the workings of the program – you couldn’t figure out a purpose and value for it either, eh?

Thanks for exploring this and sharing – well, actually, you did not explore the software, oh well, no one actually has done much of anything with the software, because it cannot actually do anything productive … though I do have a tab-delimited export of every word in a PDF book, if you want to read a book as if it were thousands of separate words in separate spreadsheet cells, thanks to Soft-Xpansion Perfect PDF 9 Editor.

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Note that SOS posting timings have nothing to do with the actual timing of user’s and poster’s experiences and sharing, for example, we may start a post, leave it open while awaiting the software installation to register … and wait … and wait … especially for Soft-Xpansion … and never see other people’s posts that do arrive at SOS but do not appear on our own non-refreshed screen while we were in mid-post, and we may only see those earlier-arriving posts after we finish our own post, which, in the case of waiting for Soft-Xpansion, well, there may be a whole bunch of people right now STILL in mid-post awaiting a reply, and maybe we’ll see as the weeks wear on, won’t we? I can’t wait. ( SWIDT ? )

And please, Gary’s speculation about ZIP files things working smoothly for him had nothing to do with our experience of the software not phoning home, and Soft-Xpansion not replying to emails ( “yet”, as I try to remember, those email replies may be out there somewhere, and they may arrive any day now, it could happen ).

These SOS thread pages are not about me or you, and certainly not about our experiences of each other ( though I am so grateful that people who disagree about other things can agree about T-Rumputin ), but these threads are about our experience of the SOS offering.

Let’s get to that, okay?