Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Clipdiary / Apr 29 2021 Reply To: Clipdiary / Apr 29 2021

#17794263 Quote
Peter Blaise

Awkward and idiosyncratic to learn, but eventually indefensible, and once I have mastered a couple of features, that’s as deep as I have gone.

– search for images
– search for text
– edit clip before copying and pasting

If I understand the potential, it’s possible to setup ONE computer as the server, then other computers on the network can be setup to use the same common database, so when we go from computer to computer, we can have access to the same clipboard history – I have not tried this, but it promises a useful feature, perhaps someone else here can try it and report in to everyone.
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Recommendations for improvement:

– Export the database to individual files so the content can be harvested using ANY other programs and tools.

– Strip formatting on demand, such as bold and italics coding.

– Maintain function of formatting as appropriate in web posting, such that web sites that use coding, post the bold and italics, NOT the code for bold and italics ( as it is now, sometimes I get proper pasting, sometimes I get codes pasted that I manually have to edit out and then re-bold and re-italics, and I have no idea the difference between a good past and a bad paste – how do I control it? ).

Thanks for letting us explore this and share.