Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion SecuPerts First Aid Kit / Aug 23 2023 Reply To: SecuPerts First Aid Kit / Aug 23 2023

#21492902 Quote
Peter Blaise

Eecuperts is from 2016, and has an extensive PDF explaining what it’s all about.

This boots to lesser-linux-ish and has some tools to backup, export, clone, scan for malware, connect to the Internet, give or receive remote control, or access the computer’s drives as \\RESCUE\disks\… over our own in-house network ( actually kind of cool ), and claims to be able to run ‘office’ type programs, though I could only find a notepad-thingy and a web browser ( old Firefox clone ), such that booting from this allows it to be a private session on a computer that leaves when we unplug the drive and go away.

It asked what language, I clicked English, and then the next screen was in German.


English after that, though.

Compare to free Hirens Boot CD/USB Windows 10 PE <- much more sophisticated, and modern.

I’ll keep this for the drive-share over the network feature, but the other features may come in handy during troubleshooting and data recovery.

