Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Audials Radio 2024 / Dec 12 2023 Reply To: Audials Radio 2024 / Dec 12 2023

#21832744 Quote

“can someone just make it possible for us to update to 2024 version using the 2023 key ? or do we have to install both paid and free versions if there are any benefits to be had doing that .”

That would be great for me too as I own Audials One 2023, but again here they are offering Audials Radio 2024 SE. I have not been able to identify the differences between the SE and paid versions. It’s pretty clear they want you to pay (in my case $29.95) each year to update the program.

Although I agree Audials are very good programs, I’m just not seeing anything new in the 2024 versions that would want me to pay to upgrade this year. However, I have downloaded the two Audials SE programs offered here and will likely pay to upgrade next year after reviewing the new features.

Again, thank you for offering this very good program.