Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Audials Radio 2024 / Dec 12 2023 Reply To: Audials Radio 2024 / Dec 12 2023

#21833215 Quote

I dont know this company or the people behind it but in all fairness i must say that the program works however i also agree it does have a learning curve but not very steep also there is a lot of help, you can start at the top of the program where you will see a ” get to know ” link , there is also the problem of there being a lot of variants to the program with many different names i only have the audio versions no movies or videos most dirty up word of all it seems as for the program to work properly you have to first make an account on their site and log in everytime you use the program something i will not do and may eventually put me off from the program the reason for this is not clear thats not what i paid for upgrade might be out for me because of this .