Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion AweClone / Jan 31 2024 Reply To: AweClone / Jan 31 2024

#22036881 Quote

[@NH] This the full reply that I got from Magoshare – “It is a valid license code, just try again.

If you are using VPN, turn it off or change your network.”

I’d already told them that I’d disabled the AV and checked that the firewall was not blocking the registration process. I was not using a VPN.

Their response comes across as aggressive, making assumptions and useless. Washing their hands of any responsibility.

I won’t be using anything from Magoshare in the future and will recommend that people avoid using their products.

I’d already told them that I’d uninstalled the product, restarted the PC, reinstalled AweClone and it still would not register. I’ve installed and

registered Magoshare products before – AwClone, DataRecovery etc without this sort of issue on PCs which are set up similarly.

I’m not the only person who has treid to install it through this SOS offer and had problems. Magoshare have made no response here either.