Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion WinxVideo AI / Jan 30 2024 Reply To: WinxVideo AI / Jan 30 2024

#22046223 Quote

This software is giving a 1 year key at differnet giveaway/shareware sites.
Most commentors say, “It doesn’t work”. or “Results are a small file”.
Maybe it takes a powerful processor/CPU and a powerful VIDEO/GPU.
With Windows 10 and a 2gb Nvidia 710 Grafic Card doesn’t work.
10 minute video, proceses it for 4 hours, did not finish.
AI maybe just a gimmick for now. Real AI would cost big bucks.
Try the free year of Turbo Play. All in one content creator: Video, Sound, Image editor, 300+ GPU accelerated effects. Free for 17hrs for 1yr key or $16 later. Shareware. onsale. com, Video Proc works well but has backdoor to PC.