Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion 3300 Transparent People Stock Images Mega Bundle / Apr 29 2024 Reply To: 3300 Transparent People Stock Images Mega Bundle / Apr 29 2024

#22344323 Quote

This is an ENORMOUS download of transparent images. There are some really great pics and tons of them are very useful. Thanks so much for the free share.

I had no trouble downloading them, but you should check your available disk space before you start. I downloaded a few groups at a time and went thru and deleted the pics I didn’t think I would use so it would make storing them easier and then sent them on their way to my online cloud account for safe-keeping. A small percentage of the pics were not completely transparent because there was still bits of white shade around the image, so I deleted those, but they could be used anyway if you are putting them onto a white background.

It does take quit a bit of time to download them all, so you might want to just save a copy to your Google drive and get back to it later.