Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion ScanPapyrus / Feb 12 2016 Reply To: ScanPapyrus / Feb 12 2016

#4287526 Quote

I’ve had scanners since the 90’s, so I know how to use one. After installing this successfully, I tried to scan a 2-page black and white document. It scanned the pages promptly, and the interface showed the scan process still ongoing after the scanner had finished the scan. I let it continue, figuring that it was processing the scanned pages. I let it continue to spin for around 10 minutes, and nothing more happened, so I closed it.

I regularly scan with this scanner with Acrobat, Paintshop Pro, and Viewing Booth, so there is nothing wrong with the scanner. Any idea what this problem might be? Other than that, my recommendation for an improvement would be to allow the user to choose between defaulting to the Windows scan interface while scanning, or using the scanner’s native interface.