Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion 50 GB lifetime cloud storage with pCloud / Mar 1 2016 Reply To: 50 GB lifetime cloud storage with pCloud / Mar 1 2016

#4457878 Quote

So… gotta use OneDrive. OneDrive is Microsoft. The same Microsoft that gives us Windows 10, which monitors everything you do? I am expected to trust them with my stuff? No, thanks.

Furthermore when I go to their page what do I see? Filling half the page, yet another Young Light-Skinned Black Woman. I swear that if ET’s had only our ads from which to learn about humans they would have to conclude that one out of four of us is a YLSBF. Advertisers think they’re proving themselves non-racist with this over-representation of one type of human when quite the opposite is apparent. Tired of this, and sick of MS too.