Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion VideoGet / Mar 14 2016 Reply To: VideoGet / Mar 14 2016

#4526050 Quote

I didn’t try out the convert function but based on a quick run-through it looks like the other features of this VideoGet program do what they’re supposed to do and it does it well with a very friendly interface.

I did encounter one problem pertaining to the audio on my Windows 10 Dell Laptop. VideoGet downloads its own audio driver/device (Apowersource). After I installed the program (which included the audio driver) I lost all the audio on my computer.

By playing around with the audio settings (right clicking on the speaker icon in the system tray and selecting playback devices) I discovered that the program changed the default from the original system driver to its (Apowersource) audio driver/device. That seems to be okay as long as the program remains open, but when the program is closed the default isn’t changed back to original system driver, which causes all the audio on the computer to be muted.

Once I figured this out I manually changed the default back to the original system driver (after closing the VideoGet program) which solved the muting problem. If VideoGet is reopened it changes the default back to its driver and the process starts all over again after it is closed.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Does anyone know of a workaround so the driver doesn’t have to be manually reset after closing the program?