Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion GDocsDrive / Jul 30 2016 Reply To: GDocsDrive / Jul 30 2016

#5398705 Quote
Peter E

This is a very nice application, especially because you can use
your own applications to edit files in Google Drive.

Having said that, there are some statements about this application
that are totally false.

It is stated that it is “disk-free”- and “disk usage is almost Zero ”
That would only be true if the application would use RAM exclusively
and is designed to do that.

However the author mentions that the file you’re working on
will be downloaded to a Temp folder. Does that file take no space?
In fact you will have at least 2 copies in the Temp folder – the original
and the modified one when you upload it again to Google Drive.

Work on some or a lot of large files and you’ll see you available diskspace shrinking..
Yes, you can delete those Temp files without affecting the files in Google Drive,
but to state that it’s “disk-free” is a misnomer.

The only time that it’s “disk-free” , is when you use a RAM drive..

This doesn’t detract from the usefulness of this app, but the statements
are technically incorrect and misleading.