Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Paragon Backup & Recovery 16 / Sep 2 2016 Reply To: Paragon Backup & Recovery 16 / Sep 2 2016

#5682303 Quote

Oddest thing….
I get all the way to where my computer flicks over to the sign-in for the administrator account so it can make the loading changes and the keyboard is disabled. It types fine elsewhere but I can’t enter my password so as to give permission to finish loading.
Sooooo since I’m on Vista, I’ll tell it to “run as admin” from the get go and see if that fixes things.
Must be working since I get a bunch of pop-ups. To buy.
Nope…..Only works on Windows 7 and newer. Shoulda read the technical details on the first SOS page. ;-(
Thanks anyway, Ashraf.