Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Paragon Backup & Recovery 16 / Sep 2 2016 Reply To: Paragon Backup & Recovery 16 / Sep 2 2016

#5747899 Quote

I was somewhat surprised that it doesn’t install on Vista. Yes, the infobox says it requires Win7+, but many programs state this nowadays, and usually this is false, including demanding games (like Witcher 3 for example). Sometimes programs won’t work because they use a new kernel function, I can understand that. But Paragon Backup & Recovery errors because it lacks… Internet Explorer 10 (which is unavailable on Vista). I laughed at it, but it also rises my doubts about general quality of software. There is a difference between needing a low-level kernel function, say for memory management, and a hog like IE10.

Additionally, Paragon’s page was really slow, the browser (Opera in this case) was taking a whole CPU core for itself while navigating, and the page doesn’t work at all (on Firefox) if I block google-analytics. Shady.