Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion 4K Stogram / Feb 17 2016

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  • #4322483 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about 4K Stogram? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than 4K Stogram, post it here! If you know of issues with 4K Stogram, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #4333332 Reply | Quote

    BEWARE: The program is buggy! I purchased this program as an impulse buy last year. If you plan on leaving it open throughout the day then plan on having the program crash, most likely several times. I’ve had problems with it pretty much since I bought it. Emailing their “tech support” yielded no answers. The following transpired:

    July 2015: I emailed “tech support” for the first time about the program crashing and received the following response From Alex M…

    Hi Michael,
    could you please open task manager and see if you have enough operate memory for 4K Stogram?

    Upon writing and saying that I have 16GB of RAM I received…

    Hi Michael,
    I’ve sent your issue to our developers, I will get back to you once I have a reply from them.

    I never heard another word from him. So the program kept crashing and after about 2.5 months of not hearing anything I wrote Alex M. again and reminded him of how long it had been since our last communication and informed him that the software was still crashing and this was his response…

    Hi Michael,
    our developers are working on the new version for the moment, it will be available in 1-2 weeks, I hope it will fix your issue with the crash.
    I’ve sent them all your reports to figure out where is the problem.

    So, after an additional 26 days of no new software update and still no more news from Alex M. I sent an email saying…

    Any news on that update? The 4K Stogram crashes aren’t going to solve themselves and I’m very irritated at this point! You said 1 to 2 weeks and it’s been almost a month. With all due respect, this just isn’t good customer service, tech support or professionalism.

    I never heard another word from him again! I started emailing about my problem in July and it was the end of October with no results. The update did finally come out WELL past his timeline and the software STILL crashes! The fault module is always in the 4kstogram.exe itself or a StackHash.

    #4339612 Reply | Quote
    To TO

    Good. Thanks.

    #4339626 Reply | Quote

    [@Michael] Thanks for the feedback!

    #4367233 Reply | Quote

    I have had no problems with it except when someone changed their name on Instagram. I accidentally deleted that person and upon trying to add them back nothing happened. I found out later that they had changed their name and upon putting in the correct name it was back with a lot of new images and videos. It seems it doesn’t have the ability to know when someone changes their name, so if you haven’t seen any new images or videos from someone then they have either changed their name or stopped using the app.

    I don’t have it run all the time, just one time a day or so. It is much easier to run it when I see someone on Twitter post an Instagram picture since Twitter stopped support for them.

    #4372063 Reply | Quote

    I have had no problems with it except when someone changed their name on Instagram. I accidentally deleted that person and upon trying to add them back nothing happened. I found out later that they had changed their name and upon putting in the correct name it was back with a lot of new images and videos. It seems it doesn’t have the ability to know when someone changes their name, so if you haven’t seen any new images or videos from someone then they have either changed their name or stopped using the app.

    I’ve noticed that it doesn’t auto-detect name changes as well. A tell tale sign that the name has changed or they deleted their account is that the software will be eternally saying Updating (at the bottom of the main window). Another thing to watch for is out to the side of the person who has changed their name or deleted their account will have a constant animation like it’s trying to refresh their account but all other accounts have already refreshed and the animation has gone away. Just a couple of things to tip you off if you have a lot of accounts added in the program.

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Reply To: Reply #4333332 in 4K Stogram / Feb 17 2016