Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion 50 GB lifetime cloud storage with pCloud / Mar 1 2016

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  • #4458577 Reply | Quote

    Can someone explain the difference between these 2 links which was emailed to me by sharewareonsale, i.e., what do these do?!? :
    Download 1: (Web Browser) pCloud app
    Download 2: (Windows) pCloud installer

    #4458605 Reply | Quote

    [@dan] The web app can be used from any modern browser. The Windows installer is for pCloud’s desktop app that you download and install.

    #4462599 Reply | Quote
    Joep de Kraker

    Thanks for this offer. I got the 10GB and after doing the required steps I got the total of 50GB. Uploading goes slow but there is no hurry and it will be useful for our ministry to have our files in the cloud. thanks.

    #4463368 Reply | Quote

    Hi! I get to the point of being in my account, and I have a OneDrive account, but when “Backup From:” appears on the screen, OneDrive does not appear anywhere for me to click start, and continue as per your instructions. What to do?

    #4463641 Reply | Quote

    Problem solved. I had to disable my pop-up blockers on the page. Got my 50GB. Thanks, Ashraf!

    #4465981 Reply | Quote

    What does pcloud do with the onedrive account? Is the connection for installation only, or does pcloud have access to documents in onedrive? If so, why? This needs to be explained.

    #4467184 Reply | Quote

    Got 50GB pCloud. In the action it is written that the license is lifetime. In the settings of saw Web (Windows 10.0, Chrome 48) – the Current session Created:03.03.2016 Expires 03.03.2017.
    What does this mean? On what is actually licensed?

    #4468825 Reply | Quote
    Bruce Coxon

    I only got 10 Gb, in agreement with many others.
    I think that if the user has already registered at an earlier stage, then the request for 50 Gb doesn’t work.
    Some users who are registering for the first time seem to be successful.

    #4469959 Reply | Quote

    Good Job

    #4470823 Reply | Quote

    Finally, I got the 50GB as promised, but now I’ve 2 serious problems:
    1) (WebApp) I linked my other drives (OneDrive, Dropbox, Copy & Picasa) to pCloud and tried to backup.
    Except for OneDrive, all I can do with the other drives is allow pCloud to access them (after clicking
    “Run Now” button) – then their state becomes “Waiting”. As for OneDrive – it’s state became “Running” but
    nothing else happens. Can somebody please explain to me how to perform those backups?
    2) (Desktop) I’m unable to install the desktop application on my Windows-8 Laptop: when I click the “Install”
    button for the “EldoS Corporation Systems Devices drivers”, the computer gets stuck, then displays an error
    message about “cbfs6.sys”, restarts and automatically resumes the installation (up to the same point). If I
    click “Do not Install” – the installation stops and sends me to read the error log. Can somebody please explain to me how
    to install the desktop application?


    #4471722 Reply | Quote

    Continuing my last question – after a while, the quota got back to 20GB (instead of 50GB). And it started backing up all my files, except those that I really needed to backup. Does anybody have the same problems?

    #4472717 Reply | Quote

    Hello. I installed this but it won’t load… open up. I uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times. Also my pCloud account only shows that I have 10 GB instead of 50 GB.

    Please advise. Thanks.

    #4472889 Reply | Quote

    Hi Guys, I finally got my 50 GB. You do need to register for a OneDrive account and “start” it. These are the instructions:


    The download links for pCloud are given to you above. To get your free 50 GB lifetime cloud storage, do the following:

    Make sure you have an active (free) OneDrive account; if you don’t have one already, you need to create one by clicking here
    Once you have an active OneDrive account, click here to go to the pCloud registration page, fill out the short form, and hit the orange “Get your free 50GB” button
    At the next page, hit the orange “Continue” button
    You should now be in your pCloud account; from there, click ‘Start’ for ‘OneDrive’ under ‘Backup from’
    Next, a window will popup — log into your OneDrive account and allow pCloud access to your OneDrive account
    Done! Your pCloud account should now say 50.0 GB in the bottom-left corner of your screen


    #4474905 Reply | Quote

    I followed the instructions, one step at a time and I went from 10Gb to 50Gb. This is just a fantastic offer and I will look for other products from you. I will also tell other of this great Cloud Storage. I can now back up ALL my pictures and not worry about losing them. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH :)

    Make sure you have an active (free) OneDrive account; if you don’t have one already, you need to create one by clicking here
    Once you have an active OneDrive account, click here to go to the pCloud registration page, fill out the short form, and hit the orange ‘Get your free 50GB’ button
    At the next page, hit the orange ‘Continue’ button
    You should now be in your pCloud account; you will see that you have 10 GB in your pCloud account. To get 50 GB, you need to click ‘Backup’ from the menu on the left and click ‘Start’ for ‘OneDrive’ under ‘Backup from’
    Next, a window will popup — log into your OneDrive account and allow pCloud access to your OneDrive account
    Done! Your pCloud account should now say 50.0 GB in the bottom-left corner of your screen

    #4475142 Reply | Quote
    O. Lamoree

    Well, this looks complicated! I followed the instructions and finally ended up with the 50GB… BUT it looks like pCloud is backing up my OndDrive contents and there I only have 15GB… so does that mean that my 50GB is really only 15GB that I have in my One Drive? And what further concerned me was a pop-up that read:

    “Copy and CudaDrive services will be discontinued.

    We are announcing today that the Copy and CudaDrive services will be discontinued on May 1, 2016.

    Copy and CudaDrive have provided easy-to-use cloud file services and sharing functionality to millions of users the past 4+ years. However, as our business focus has shifted, we had to make the difficult decision to discontinue the Copy and CudaDrive services and allocate those resources elsewhere. For more information on this decision, please view the blog post from Rod Mathews our VP & GM, Storage Business.

    We know this comes as disappointing news to our users, but rest assured that we will do everything we can to take care of each of you in the manner for which Barracuda is known. We have partnered with Mover to make migrating your data to another service as easy as possible and have created a step by step guide that walks you through the process of moving your data to a local hard drive or another cloud storage solution.

    If you are on a paid subscription for either Copy or CudaDrive, please keep an eye out in the coming days for an email with more detailed information on your options. For additional information, please visit our FAQ page.

    Thank you to everyone for your support.

    All the best,
    The Copy & CudaDrive Team”

    Does this mean that altho I signed up and supposedly have 50GB that Copy and CudaDrive storage is being discontinued and if I had such storage, I would have to move it out? At least that how I read it. So it would appear that pCloud is like a multiple cloud sharing proggy. What do you think? Ashraf?

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