Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion AI PNG Enlarger PRO [Without Loss of Quality] / Jul 17 2022

  • This topic has 15 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 months ago by Tamas.
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  • #22101262 Reply | Quote

    After many tries to make it working, it is not doing anything other just copying the source file to the target folder. or simply not doing anything at all… When I initially downloaded and installed it, it worked, but only the “Icon/Logo/Cartoon” algorithm. Output as JPG, 16x, or Photo algorithm did not worked at all. Tried on other laptop as well and ended up with the same results. Tried on different CPUs, APUs, etc… Not even doing a single thing on a Ryzen 9 6900HX. And, whatever I’m trying since a while, it says that license key is invalid. Very bad software.

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Reply To: AI PNG Enlarger PRO [Without Loss of Quality] / Jul 17 2022