Home › Forums › SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion › AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe / Sep 26 2017
- This topic has 19 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 3 months ago by geopan75.
Have something to say about AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe? Say it here!
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AndreasGuestI’m not a fan of agendas and similar programs but I use some sticky notes that to be honest it only clutter my screen. AllMyNotes Organizer is a good solution to unclutter my screen. I like it. I’m only trying to figure out how to add icons cause my first note was related to flight schedules and to my surprise I couldn’t find an airplane icon. A most complete (and better) icons assortment is a must.
Thanks for the offer.MaschiGuest“Our main priority – bright, simple to use, and functional software for everyday needs.
And, which is most important, our software is created with love – we love to do the software,
and you can be sure that we are aiming software created by us to satisfy all your needs.”Hello Volodymyr and Nadiya:
One feels this with every mouse click – that’s the reason why I use AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe❤
Thank you guys from Vladonai Software – I love to use the software – never like to miss it any more☻And finally:
Big thanks to Ashraf and the “Mother of all Giveawaysites”: SOS❤
CheersFromBerlin☺Volodymyr [author of AllMyNotes]Guest[@Andreas] We’ll add possibility to add custom icons in the future, it’s already in the list of features to implement.
DoktorThomas™GuestI like this program for storing things for all sorts.
I have put it on all 5 of my home computers.
Get it. You’ll find uses.Spam SorensonGuestI moved from Infoselect to AMN about a decade ago, perhaps two decades. Its free form database approach is indispensable for contact list, passwords, important screen shots, portions of page capture either text or image, like “how to do a windows safe reinstall”. because it requires no structure to the data format put in the notes it is amazingly simple to put in website, username and pw. Then just type in ebay for example and magically login credentials are there.
I have purchased it and upgraded it a number of times. It has only one annoying habit. It reminds me there is an upgrade. The box is checked to ignore but on every startup it reminds me.
Anyway, amazing program, incredibly useful and indispensable. Thanks!
eula lia2GuestDieses Giveaway ist nur Bauernfängerei, damit werden User als Versuchskaninchen angelockt und ausgenutzt. Letztlich bekam ich keine Aktivierung und diesen Hinweis, mich an den Support zu wenden. Ich erhielt keine Antwort auf meinen dreimaligen Mails und wurden von diesen überheblichen Strolchen ignoriert. Diese Aktionen sind eine Verarschung, nur so viel, wie in die hohle Hand geschissen. Ein Support der nicht reagiert und User ausschmiert, ist für den Abort (Klo)! Das was Vladonai Software hergibt ist nur eine verlängerte Trialversion. Die Online-Aktivierung hat
a: ein Ablaufdatum und ist
b: an die Hardware gebunden.Nach max. einem Jahr ist diese abgelaufen, mit Hinweis “Trial expired”. Für dieses Affentheater wollen diese Strolche offline aktivieren. Diese unschöne Erfahrung habe ich bereits mit 3 (drei) Vorversionen gemacht. In deren Beschreibung zu dieser Software finde ich keinen Heinweis auf eine zeitlimitierte Lizens und wird mit schönfärberischem Gerede umgangen. Ergo: das ist Diebstahl von Lebenszeit aller User die hinter das Licht geführt werden, mit Etikettenschwindel!
Oct 26, 2016 at 4:47 pm , Volodymyr (AllMyNotes Organizer support)
This morning we where doing maintenance works on our server, perhaps it was related (cannot confirm), just try again, if it was related all should work fine now if you’ll simply restart the program. In case if the issue will remain please contact our *support directly*, we’ll help.
Von Online-Aktivierungen bin ich ein strikter Gegener. Ein dabei sehr wahrscheinlicher Datenabfluss ist unkontrollierbar und die Möglicht besteht zudem, dass Schadsoftware implementiert werden kann. Kurios finde ich die verschlüsselte Keyfile mit einer Größe von etwa 12 bis 14 kb. Wozu? Finger weg von Giveaways die nicht offline per Serial aktiviert werden können, das sind “faule Eier”. Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser und immer angebracht. Zur Installation den Netzzugang trennen, dass kein “Ramsch” nachgeladen werden kann. Wenn alle Anwender das konsequent machen ist die Online-Aktivierung ganz schnell ausgerottet.
ThalysGuestI love this software. Thanks for this.
davidGuestThanks, Volodymyr, and thanks, Ashraf!
Volodymyr [author of AllMyNotes]GuestOrganizer – Is this a Chinese spy?
Why are the hieroglyphs in the program?
Do you use a programmer from China?
Why does the program need to know which processor and other hardware I have?
Why does the program bind to the user’s hardware?
Why the organizer activation on the Internet?
Where will the personal data of people come from?I do not trust her with personal data!
Your program is plagiarism programs from The GoldenSection Labs – GoldenSection Notes and WinOrganizer?
This software is developed SOLELY by ME (Volodymyr Frytskyy), and marketed my spouse Nadiya, we are very tiny familial company. We are originally from Ukraine (I guess, it may hurt your patriotic feelings too? Sorry, go ask the God why sends storks to deliver babies all around the world). We have totally nothing to do with China, we do not have any Chinese developers. The program is localized to 30 languages, including Chinese, that’s all.
Plagiarism of GoldenSection? This is the first time I hear about this software, but the competition is really tight indeed, there is about 100+ competitors, so we are doing our best to make better product. Particularly, to my knowledge, no one of our competitors has Self-Healing database engine, which can work with badly damaged database files.
Volodymyr [author of AllMyNotes]GuestWhy does the program need to know which processor and other hardware I have?
Why does the program bind to the user’s hardware?
Why the organizer activation on the Internet?
Where will the personal data of people come from?Sorry, I didn’t answered all your questions in my initial reply. The software is linked to installed PC (hard disk serial number) to avoid piracy, and it checks system date from our web-site, again, to avoid piracy. We are giving our Deluxe license at no cost, but there is a condition – it must be activated during the promo period, and cannot be replicated to millions of other PCs.
Your personal data is not tracked, all you data is stored locally, on your PC, you are responsible for backing it up. And we do not ask you for any kind of your personal identification data, simply install it, and launch it at least once during the promo period, even no need to provide your e-mail/name! After first launch you can disconnect program with your Firewall, or, simply disable automatic checks for updates if you are concerned about Internet activity.
eula lia-2GuestVolodymyr, AllMyNotes DeLuxe:
“We are giving our Deluxe license at no cost”
Das ist kein aufrichtiges Giveaway, nach einem Jahr ist die Lizens abgelaufen.
Warum verschweigen Sie das, auch in Ihren Konnentaren wieder?
Spam SorensonGuestAs a long time user, noted above under a different name. I do love the program, and installed the give away version.
had i seen the new UI I would not have upgraded, in fact I am considering restoring last weeks system because the UI looks childlike. I wasn’t a big fan of the previous UI (icons and graphics), and the UX (how it works) doesn’t appear to have changed.
Just my personal taste is the icons don’t need soft round edges in soft pastels, crisp, clear icons that reflect the ourpose is far better than warm fuzzy.
My personal opinion that the new UI is simply not an improvement.
OH yes, to others, if you like this program as much as I do, buy it! I did but will wait till he fixes the UI on the next update however. :-)Volodymyr [author of AllMyNotes]GuestPersonal data we sell to the Chinese, or they immediately go there.
Total nonsense! I see no reason to continue any further discussion with you.
Volodymyr [author of AllMyNotes]Guest…My personal opinion that the new UI is simply not an improvement…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. At the same time it’s nearly impossible to make perfect UI which is brilliant for everyone, always will be someone who want it look differently. Therefore I would like to underline that everyone is welcome to modify skins and even introduce their own, it’s quite easy for these who have graphical skills, you can find out some details here – https://www.vladonai.com/allmynotes-organizer-notes-outliner-themes-skins