Home › Forums › SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion › AMC Security PRO / May 1 2017
- This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by
Jose Luiz.
KeymasterHave something to say about AMC Security PRO? Say it here!
Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than AMC Security PRO, post it here! If you know of issues with AMC Security PRO, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)
GuestCan not enter redeem code in app anyone help ?
Tried via info on site but no where to input code: Note: AMC Security Pro licenses can be purchased via IObit website since version 4.5:
There are two ways to activate the code, please follow the step below to use it:
1. Load AMC Security -> Tap Get Trial on the top right -> Tap Get All Features -> Tap Enter code -> Enter your code and tap OK.
2. Load AMC Security -> Tap Get Trial on the top right -> Tap “here” in “Already have a code? Tap to activate it here” on the top -> enter your code and tap OKThanks
GuestEspera uma oferta de um ano obrigado equipe sharewareonsale
Expect an offer of a year thank you team sharewareonsale
GuestEspera uma oferta de um ano obrigado equipe sharewareonsale
Expect an offer of a year thank you team sharewareonsale
Sorry, I wrote it wrong above
GuestThank you,Ashraf!
Ajit Jain
GuestI get the response – Invalid Code, Please Retry.
Could you pl give the correct codee
GuestCan not enter redeem code in app anyone help ?
Tried via info on site but no where to input code: Note: AMC Security Pro licenses can be purchased via IObit website since version 4.5: There are two ways to activate the code, please follow the step below to use it: 1. Load AMC Security -> Tap Get Trial on the top right -> Tap Get All Features -> Tap Enter code -> Enter your code and tap OK. 2. Load AMC Security -> Tap Get Trial on the top right -> Tap “here” in “Already have a code? Tap to activate it here” on the top -> enter your code and tap OK
ThanksSilly me all done and working now
Mário Augusto Lapa Soares
GuestNão consigo inserir a licença, podem-me dar uma explicação
ObrigadoBruno Dero
Pas de menu “Enter code” dans les paramètres !!!! Comment doit-on faire ?
No menu item “Enter code” in sttings !!!! How proceed ?
DBJose Luiz
GuestPor favor, liberem novas chaves! Thank´s….