Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Animated Banner Maker / Oct 8 2020

  • This topic has 15 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 months ago by Ashraf.
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  • #16621838 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Animated Banner Maker? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Animated Banner Maker, post it here! If you know of issues with Animated Banner Maker, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #16622528 Reply | Quote

    I checked at the company site:
    This is not compatible with Win 7 !!!

    Pleas check this and correct the details

    #16622536 Reply | Quote

    It dosen’t work on my PC (win 7)
    Error – “Access violation”
    and then stops

    #16622543 Reply | Quote

    This is from the company site:

    Requirements -> Animated Banner Maker
    Features| Download| Purchase| Screenshots| Requirements| Examples Awards

    Windows 8, 8.1, and 10

    #16623003 Reply | Quote
    Michael Schore

    Application will not run. Error: Access violation at 0x61532D68 (tried to read from 0x61532D68), program terminated.

    #16623859 Reply | Quote

    Unable to download it.

    Have to try the manual download because the hub won’t DL it, and it just stalls out and eventually says the site can’t be reached.

    #16623872 Reply | Quote

    Disregard previous comment.

    Tried again after a little while and it is now manually Downloading.

    #16623932 Reply | Quote

    And I get the error now too after installing it and trying to run it.

    Error: Access violation at 0x72657473 (tried to read from 0x72657473), program terminated.

    Windows 8.1

    Will have to uninstall it. :(

    #16624326 Reply | Quote
    Robert Britt

    Error: Access violation at and program terminated.

    Windows 10

    #16624502 Reply | Quote
    Alessandro Ferri

    Animated Banner Maker requires writing permission to your ‘Documents’ folder. If the program fails to execute, try executing it as administrator.

    #16625444 Reply | Quote

    “Generates rich content that can only be reproduced by Adobe Animate”
    Does this mean I need Adobe Animate to use this, or that anyone who visits my page needs to have Adobe Animate installed? Is Adobe Animate included with Chrome and other browsers, or this a replacement for Flash that requires frequent updates by millions of users to fix security holes? Given the track record of Flash, I’m wary of using a product that relies on Adobe software.

    Please, someone, let me know if my fears are not justified. Thanks! Product seems worth trying, I like the whole concept of key frame animation.

    #16626248 Reply | Quote
    Alessandro Ferri

    [@Mr.Dave] You don’t need Adobe Animate. Animating is similar and if you like keyframe animation you will like this.

    #16626269 Reply | Quote

    Running it as administrator did not change the error..
    Still – access violation as before

    #16627441 Reply | Quote
    Michael Schore

    I have verified that running the application as an administrator does not solve this problem. This is something so basic. How do you publish a program that will not run?

    #16634953 Reply | Quote

    [@Mr.Dave] (update to my earlier comment) I appreciate the reply from Alessandro Ferri — the text in the description was confusing to me.

    I got the program installed but see some problems:

    1. On the program screen, none of the icons have any symbols, they are all blank.

    2. I tried clicking on some (trying to add a symbol, as shown in the Help file). The button that says “Add Text” when mouse is over it (and also the button to the right of that) gives this error message:
    CNH = >
    nderUserUnderTheUserFolder => (!

    Clicking OK on that message brought up this one:
    Error: Access violation at 0x004C8A8F (tried to read from 0x00001208),
    program terminated.

    And yes, it terminated Animated Banner Maker.

    I tried-installing and then re-installing. It’s very nice that Soft Organizer did not find any leftovers after the un-install! The new install looked just like the first install. Empty icons everywhere. Buttons behaved the same way.

    Uninstalled. If Alessandro or others have any suggestions, I may be able to try again. I’m on Win 10/64. I disabled the Safe Files part of Bitdefender (my Antivirus) during the 2nd install since the first time it warned that ABM is trying to write to a folder in My Documents (Bitdefender doesn’t like that action).

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Reply To: Reply #16623932 in Animated Banner Maker / Oct 8 2020