Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion ApowerMirror / Aug 6 2017

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  • #8616760 Reply | Quote

    same here installation window disappear

    #8616847 Reply | Quote


    It is not right!

    Do you propose to live without the Internet? ;))))

    Enough of confusion!

    Let ASHRAF say!
    $29.95 – 1 Year!

    #8617004 Reply | Quote
    Frederick Mills

    Ashraf, sorry but I still find license terms confusing. “1-year lifetime” (an oxymoron); does this mean license key is lifetime, free for 1-year after which its premium (paid) with the same license key? Is it a 1-computer, 1-year or 1-computer, lifetime license?

    #8617018 Reply | Quote

    I am also having install problem, same as others. The program just goes off into the ether. Win10X-64. I am also not seeing any replies or helpful hints posted…

    #8617041 Reply | Quote

    Ok that helped! Got file from site (Windows 10 x64 Pro). Ran it & instead of trying to use D: drive, let it do C: and the default settings. Got that short code from them to email addy this way: “Follow the directions to install, including Sign Up. Once you verify everything, then you need to activate.” Trick is to do that first since is additional step before using SOS activation code. One have entered that short code, good to go. Run program, hit that kitty upper right corner (Account). There’s your registered name. Drop down by name. And there’s the SOS code place for its activation to 1 year Pro.
    Otherwise just a 3 day trial.
    Does seem after a year it will revert to the Free basic version with its limitations (like 3 min video only and a few other limits/ads, etc.). Hence a bit of a bait & switch since isn’t the $70 full program FOR LIFE, and confusing to even suggest that 1 year allows for updating (and letting you assume it remains intact as a LIFER). Never a mention of reverting to non-Life.
    The details at site do state their $70 might be Lifetime? Also the Free (not Personal) has watermarks & is for non-commercial (whatever that means). Trying to read all the offers & prices is a headache.

    #8617233 Reply | Quote

    The program downloads and begins to install then the installation window disappears.

    #8617239 Reply | Quote


    ApowerSoft and AiseeSoft,Tipard and……. make this confusion especially!
    To be interested in short licenses that are of little interest.
    A license for 1 year is for Antivirus and VPN service!
    License 1 year for the program – not interesting, this is garbage(trash).
    If you need to see – you can download the free version.
    1 Year is nothing, it will pass very quickly.

    #8617359 Reply | Quote

    What are you all lazy (or stupid). Is it really difficult to read the whole discussion?

    #8617805 Reply | Quote

    Сергей,если это мне,то пишите уже по русски,хотя здесь и не принято,но начали это вы.
    Мне тоже вас оскорбить?
    Какая дискуссия – о сыром Windows 10 ? Даже смотреть не буду.Речь о лицензии – это важно.
    А что установщик нужно брать всегда ещё и дополнительно с ориг.сайта,это давно понятно любому человеку с мозгами.
    Касательно меня,то я вообще жалею,что оставил комментарии к данной программе.
    Когда ответит ASHRAF и уточнит лицензию,всё встанет на свои места.
    У меня хватает программ,в том числе и старых и специальных версий ApowerSoft,которые с бессрочной лицензией,не требуют аккаунтов и не требуют,чтобы я был привязан и жил в интернете.Это не жизнь,должно быть всё под рукой и в нормальном виде,а не где-то там – в интернете,сервер недоступен,либо взял и сдох,либо я не оплатил интернет во время.Оно мне надо – сетевые и т.п. привязки и зависимость от интернета и месячных лицензий:)
    А эта программа не стоит того,чтобы пачкать ПК.(это если вы мне,что я ленивый).
    Я не ленивый,я нашёл время напачкать в комментариях и то только потому,чтобы ASHRAF уточнил лицензию.
    Пачкать свой ПК чем попало и с непонятной лицензией я не буду.
    И да,сырым Windows 10 с цветами,точнее оттенками для секс-меньшинств,я не пользуюсь.

    #8617951 Reply | Quote

    Thanks. I did the same. Downloaded from https://www.apowersoft.com/phone-mirror and installed on D:drive. Then signed up as per instructions, used email code, Then hit the Kitty, then used dropdown by name, selected Activation code, and entered the SOS code. I would have never noticed the drop down next to name. Thank you! Everything works.

    #8617992 Reply | Quote

    [@Сергей] Thank’s! It works :)

    This works! Follow his instructions. I have windows 10 home and installed on D: Works good.
    Thank you sludgehound


    #8618442 Reply | Quote

    the installer falls

    #8618475 Reply | Quote

    does not install on 8.1 pro. Tried manually and with tracing option of 2 different uninstallers.First time happening on SonS.

    #8618803 Reply | Quote

    Ótimo programa recomendo

    #8618810 Reply | Quote

    Guys after u “get it now ” from here, u will get a key for new or existing user.
    After that just go to their site
    download the trial, and then sign up for the free account, and then u can activate the software there by entering the
    key from here,and u will get 1 year personal type, now not sure if is lifetime…

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 77 total)
Reply To: Reply #8797616 in ApowerMirror / Aug 6 2017