Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion AutoStandByPro / Feb 29 2016

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  • #4439705 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about AutoStandByPro? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than AutoStandByPro, post it here! If you know of issues with AutoStandByPro, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #4440849 Reply | Quote

    Cannot activate.
    I am getting this errors



    How to activate?

    #4441142 Reply | Quote

    AVG gives a virus warning.

    #4441502 Reply | Quote
    m wamp

    same as other user, AVG gives a virus warning. Was really interested in the program, but won’t install a possible virus programs. Was even interested in purchasing.

    #4441559 Reply | Quote
    Serious Bob

    I don’t use AVG so I didn’t get any virus warning. But I had the same problem as others, could not get the software activated.

    I am wondering if this is a problem with the software’s activation servers right now and if it is going to be fixed anytime soon if so?

    Also wondering if ANYONE has been able to get this activated?

    I was considering purchasing the lifetime license upgrade if it was any good, but you can’t even create rules in demo mode without it telling you “No Activation” so basically I had to remove it because it was just taking up space on my hard drive.

    #4441993 Reply | Quote

    Cannot activate.
    I am getting errors
    (KIS does not detect anything.)

    #4442041 Reply | Quote

    All OK. Servers are busy.

    #4442309 Reply | Quote
    Serious Bob

    So the servers are busy, I will give this one more try later to see if I can get it activated.

    Auto Standby’s servers are keeping us all on STANDBY…..

    #4442863 Reply | Quote
    Serious Bob

    Thank you Ashraf and Phenominal Solutions for this software.

    I uninstalled and downloaded from here the new v2.16 and had no problems with the activation. It appears that it is already preregistered and activated upon install.

    Just thought I would mention it for those of you who were having the same problem as I was.

    #4444188 Reply | Quote

    AVG gives virus warning

    #4444189 Reply | Quote
    Craig Haywood

    Installed the program. Tried to create a profile and it complained it is not registered. Tried to get a free license and it complained again.


    #4444805 Reply | Quote

    Hello all,

    I am the sales manager for Auto StandBy Pro. First of all let me apologized for any inconvenienced this has cause to you and please let me clarify the situation.

    Shortly after the promo date begun our hosting provider (where our activation server is located) has started experiencing issues. Due to these issues many users where unable to activate our software during that time. Our tech guys contact immediately our hosting provider to try and find a solution asap but the hosting provider was unable to provide a satisfactory solution in time.

    As a workaround (and until a permanent solution is found) we have released an updated version of AutoStandByPro (version 2.16) that bypass the security issues and allows the software to activate successfully. Please download the new version and try activating the software again. If you still experiencing issues please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you.

    Regarding the warning given by AVG please note that our software is 100% clean. Unfortunately due to its many functions and encryption mechanisms some antivirus utilities might, from time to time, detect it as a potential virus. This is a false positive. Our team has already contact AVG and has asked them to white list our application. Until they response back please ignore the warning and allow through AVG the installation to continue.

    Again I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused to you. Please understand that since the issues are not located directly to our systems it takes us some time until we provide a satisfactory solution. We are here to help and if you need further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.


    Sales Manager

    #4446547 Reply | Quote

    Version 2.16 its OK. Thanks.

    #4457730 Reply | Quote

    This is really bad. I am unable to register and activate this product. A product company always needs to be prepared for bulk registrations at any time. I am gonna uninstall it and have a negative feedback about this on my mind.

    Lost the confidence there…Worth not recommending.

    #4463977 Reply | Quote

    Hello thanks. I download version 2.16 and it activates just fine!

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Reply To: Reply #4441993 in AutoStandByPro / Feb 29 2016