Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion AV Music Morpher / May 28 2019

  • This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by AussiePete.
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  • #13825750 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about AV Music Morpher? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than AV Music Morpher, post it here! If you know of issues with AV Music Morpher, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #13826750 Reply | Quote

    wrong activation code

    #13826884 Reply | Quote

    This is a wrong activation code. I just have a 10 days trial version.

    #13827095 Reply | Quote

    I wear glasses and i still cannot read what is at the bottom of the program interface .!!

    #13827906 Reply | Quote

    Crashed on first use and have tried to get it to run without success. I’m running it on Win 7 because that’s the computer where I keep all my music. Problem is that it also installs visual C++ 2008 which means I’m probably going to have to do a systems restore to flush everything out.

    #13828131 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    2 hits at VirusTotal … vendor does not know or does not care.

    SHA256: 0ea2be59b2daea1b112ec478340e45da3da0b338256c0d3d6729fb3aeffa964e
    File name: music_morpher.exe
    Detection ratio: 2 / 68
    Analysis date: 2019-05-20 09:56:55 UTC ( 1 week, 1 day ago )
    Antivirus Result Update
    Cyren W32/Trojan.BJL.gen!Eldorado 20190520
    F-Prot W32/Trojan.BJL.gen!Eldorado 20190520

    Equivalent to Microsoft’s name for it: Trojan:Win32/Estiwir.A

    This trojan downloads other malware onto your computer and can stop some programs or applications from working correctly.

    It is downloaded onto your computer by other malware, including PWS:Win32/OnLineGames.AH and PWS:Win32/Lolyda.BF.

    This threat may download other malware that can steal your information by recording usernames and passwords. After you remove this threat it is a good idea to change your passwords.

    It is installed in the <system folder> as Midimap.dll, replacing the legitimate Midimap.dll file.

    When run, Trojan:Win32/Estiwir.A is injected to Explorer.exe. It then downloads and runs other malware, including PWS:Win32/OnLineGames.AH.

    The downloaded malware files are saved and run in the %TEMP% folder with the filename <10 numbers>.exe, for example: 7223939032.exe.

    In the wild, additional malware downloaded from the following URLS:

    The downloaded malware is detected as PWS:Win32/OnLineGames.AH.
    Stops service and deletes files

    Trojan:Win32/Estiwir.A stop the following services:


    The trojan deletes the <system folder>\drivers\EstRtw.sys. This file is related to the EstRtwIFDrv service.

    These services are related to AhnLab security software and an ESTsoft Corp application. It likely stops these services to prevent detection.

    The presence of this malware may stop AhnLab security software or ESTsoft Corp applications from working correctly.

    Analysis by Ric Robielos


    #13829025 Reply | Quote

    Wrong code, it’s not working, thats show the software quality, uninstalling it.

    #13829722 Reply | Quote

    Everytime i start the program it says it stopped responding and it crashes…anyone else has this problem? i tried reinstalling but still the same problem, i need help.

    #13829859 Reply | Quote

    Peter Blaise: Thank you for your reviews. I always read your comments and trust your analysis. No doubt that you have saved many headaches to others here! Thanks again for taking the time to test software and post your findings.

    #13831439 Reply | Quote

    Wrong activation code.

    #13832497 Reply | Quote

    [@Peter Blaise]

    Thank you for your very helpful comments.

    Best Regards,


    #13832595 Reply | Quote

    This is version 5.0.59 of the software. The first time I encountered this program being given away, it was on a different giveaway site back in 2016-04-13, and the comments indicated that the same version had been offered there before. That version was also 5.0.59, however, it was the GOLD edition. This is the standard edition.

    The GOLD edition retail price has been and still is $99.95. This standard edition is $29.95.

    Since that time, the Standard Edition of the software has been offered on SoS on at least two other occasions (2016-05-16 and 2016-12-18).

    This version supports Window 7 and above. Back in 2016, it supported XP and above, so since it is the same exact version number, it should still install on an XP system if anyone wanted to try.

    Many of the comments back in 2016 were that the software crashed often, and there was no indication that one version of the operating system had more than any other. Each of the offering since then has been the same, so I expect there could be some crashes still.

    Also, many users had trouble understanding how to use the GOLD Edition’s program’s interface. It is too bad because the GOLD edition of the program appearance looks pretty nice. The Standard Edition does have a different appearance.

    This edition installs the MS Visual C++ 2008 runtime, even though you may have a later version.

    I have installed both the Standard and Gold editions in the past and found that the program did not offer anything that I need, so I will pass on this one, but wanted to provide my past experience should it be of any value to anyone.

    #13832647 Reply | Quote

    mine (morpher) worked then i saw the unknown code maybe from last giveaway.. i forgot until after the fact… . i made the mistake of re-installing it and now refuses to start… btw… it worked great for that 1st 30 minutes. i just hope there is an easy fix to this like a reboot… thanks and please reply quickly! luv iammarty

    #13832998 Reply | Quote

    [@Sonic39670] Same thing happened to me. I ended up doing a systems restore as it leaves a big footprint on the system, and after reading Peter Blaise comments above I’m glad I did.

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Reply To: Reply #13829722 in AV Music Morpher / May 28 2019