Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion BurnAware Professional / Mar 22 2017

  • This topic has 23 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Arnold Lin.
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  • #7442242 Reply | Quote
    Mark Magill

    QUESTION: I have Burn Aware Premium already from a previous giveaway somewhere. Which is better? I have them both installed in different locations now, which one should I remove? These are great programs – I’m a tech teacher (K-12) and really need dependable and affordable software, so thanks for being part of the giveaway.

    And a hundred “Thanks!” for the simple registration!


    #7442304 Reply | Quote

    Thanks Ashraf for the great giveaway.

    #7442533 Reply | Quote

    good? not really. no unicode support so one of my discs became garbage. The names of files and folders look like “???????.” i tried to save it with no success. i could read/save a few files only.

    #7442602 Reply | Quote
    Jon A. Ranta

    x-64 bit Vista Home Premium is my OS and has performed well. The greatest mystery is the burn operation of my media player. Won’t the program need to be configured to bypass mine? Am looking toward burning personally the selections that would like from many sources that were purchased lately.
    Have never successfully saved any files or been able to complete a backup with my laptop. Really do believe something has me thwarted. Can the program overcome problems such as these?

    #7443582 Reply | Quote

    [ @Ashraf]

    Can I use it on my computer at work?
    Main Features says “Usage in commercial organizations or with commercial purposes”, the Fine Print Terms and Conditions tells: “This is a 1-computer lifetime license, for noncommercial use”.
    Which is correct?

    #7445376 Reply | Quote

    Thank you for this software
    Ενα κλασικο προγραμμα εγγραφής μονου πεδίου με υποστήριξη Ελληνικών Θα ικανοποιήσει οσους θα το χρησιμοποιήσουν σε εγγραφές μουσικών κομματιών η και μετατροπή σε διάφορα φορμά
    Καλή συνεργασία με το DeamonTools Σε γενικές γραμμες ενα μινιμαλιστικό πρόγραμμα εγγραφής που δεν θα προβληματίσει τον απλό χρηστη

    #7445394 Reply | Quote
    Julio Cesar Gomez

    Gracias muy buen software, les estoy muy agradecido por el regalo un abrazo desde Colombia.

    #7449045 Reply | Quote

    @Mark Magill,

    Per the developer’s comparison page (http://www.burnaware.com/compare-editions.html), the Professional edition has the same features as the Premium, plus two additional bullet items:
    Burns ISO Image to multiple drives simultaneously
    Usage in commercial organizations or with commercial purposes

    Since the license for this offer states “for noncommercial use” then the only difference is that you can burn an ISO file to multiple drives. I would presume Educational use would be considered “noncommercial use,” so if you have multiple burner drives, this could be handy if you want to make a copy of the school play DVD for every member of the class.

    #7472646 Reply | Quote
    Arnold Lin

    It’s really a nice tool with simple interface~

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)
Reply To: BurnAware Professional / Mar 22 2017