Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Commodore / Dec 20 2018

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  • #12753794 Reply | Quote

    Can’t find the downloaded programme, where is it
    Tried all the usual download places, but to no avail

    Finally when checking temp, there it was

    When I tried to move commodore.exe to my c:\
    Windows(10) wrote that it couldn’t find it !!!

    Although choosing to have a Quick Start icon, it didn’t come

    When starting CommandPrompt there was also no folder nor programme

    Closing the very dark window with the fewest options I ever saw,
    gave also no clues, and colour couldn’t be changed

    So now I can apparently never start this programme

    Tobiasson, Oslo, Norway

    #12755034 Reply | Quote
    Robert Kalifa

    Commodore doesn’t get any stars. Downloaded the program and installed it. During installation, the program displays how it works and gives you the options. For the good news, it looks very handy and useful. For the bad news, cannot get it to even start at all. If you choose OPEN, it doesn’t start. If you choose START AS ADMINISTRATOR, you get the request to allow it to make changes, and when you click YES, it still doesn’t start. Running Windows 10. This is identified as version Unknown author should rework it.

    #12759601 Reply | Quote
    Morten K


    Hi Tobiasson,

    Du er mye velkommen at skrive meg på [email protected] da kan vi nok få det til at fungere :-)

    You are welcome to write me at [email protected], I think we can get it to work :-)


    #12759612 Reply | Quote
    Morten K

    [@Robert Kalifa]

    Hi Robert,

    I don’t entirely know what is going on, but it seems it’s the wrong version you have got. is not the one submitted for the promotion, but perhaps there has been some error. It would be great if you could write me on [email protected] then we can work it out. Sorry for the inconvenience.


    #12762222 Reply | Quote

    Loaded quickly; however, halfway through the list, it went belly-up. From all the feedback you are getting, sounds like we are your BETA testers!

    #12764262 Reply | Quote
    Morten K


    Hi Alex,

    I don’t understand what you mean by “halfway through the list, it went belly up”. This issue is new and hasn’t been reported by anyone else. What were you trying to do, and what happened?

    If you actually would like it resolved, you’re welcome to write here or to [email protected] – then I can look at it in detail.

    As for the beta testing part – if you look through the comments, you can see most are mine. There’s just 4 people who haven’t been able to get it to work, and at least one is related to the SOS installer, not the software.

    This release is not beta but it is version 1, made by a single developer. While it has been tested by several paid external professional QA testers on Win7, 8 and 10, issues do arise on software’s first public launch as it hits all kinds of system and software configurations. With that in mind, I think errors for 3 users is quite alright.

    As mentioned, if you want it fixed, write me with details. If not, I guess you can be happy that the software is free :-)

    #12765843 Reply | Quote

    With links You supply in a file .EXE, not downloaded…

    That’s too bad.

    #12766887 Reply | Quote

    Thank you for the free licence Morten.

    I found it usefull to search some particular folders with a lot of files.

    But I catched a bug when I search in deep ( <setting name=”MaxNestingLevel” serializeAs=”String”> <value>99</value> ) searching for ‘name mp4’ works nicely but searching with ‘mp4’ alone only few files ( less than 20 ) were found in hundreds.

    In options select/delete folders one by one is a bit slow ( no checkmarks nor shift or ctrl keys ) and a shortcut with Del key would be great too ;)

    Last but not least a count with the number of files found in statusbar would be helpful too.

    It is not fully portable since user.config was saved in \APPDATA\Local\CommodoreApp.com\ folder

    Thank you for your good work & time :)

    Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noël to all Readers!

    #12750570 Reply | Quote
    Morten K

    Hi everyone,

    Author of Commodore here. In case the download is not working for you, it’s pretty likely it’s because you need Microsoft’s .NET framework. You can find it here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework-runtime/net46

    It wasn’t included as a system requirement on the product page by mistake, but will get added shortly. Anyways, thanks for trying out the app.


    #12750674 Reply | Quote
    Morten K


    Hi! Please try downloading Microsoft .NET framework 4.6, it solves most issues of non-opening: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework-runtime/net46

    #12776569 Reply | Quote
    Morten K

    [@Morten K]

    Hi Jean,

    Thanks very much for your feedback, this is super useful :-) I will try to replicate that bug you found, and will likely also put in those suggestions like item count, delete shortcut and adding multiple folders at a time. Thanks again and merry christmas!


    #12789292 Reply | Quote

    Hi Morten

    I investigate a little bit further:

    I was earching for ‘bob marley’ ‘marley wailer mp3’ ‘mp3’ or ‘bob wail mp3’ all these requests only gave me 30 results MAX in a very big collection with many recursive folders.

    My other search engines are Agent Ransack and SwiftSearch , two nice tools you can found useful too, and they were returning hundreds more.

    Best Regards

    #12789262 Reply | Quote

    Hi Morten

    I investigate a little bit further:

    I was earching for ‘bob marley’ ‘marley wailer mp3’ ‘mp3’ or ‘bob wail mp3’ all these requests only gave me 30 results MAX in a very big collection with many recursive folders.

    My other search engines are Agent Ransack (https://www.mythicsoft.com/agentransack/) and SwiftSearch (https://sourceforge.net/projects/swiftsearch/), two nice tools you can found useful too, and they were returning hundreds more.

    Best Regards

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)
Reply To: Reply #12750958 in Commodore / Dec 20 2018