Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion CutOut 4 / Jun 27 2017

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  • #8282156 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about CutOut 4? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than CutOut 4, post it here! If you know of issues with CutOut 4, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #8283280 Reply | Quote
    Jonathan Todd

    I am attempting to use the software but it only installs in German?

    #8283424 Reply | Quote

    yes I had the same problem – it installs in German
    To swap it to english click on the symbol top left that looks like a page with lines on it.
    Choose ‘programm’ then ‘Standard English’

    #8283524 Reply | Quote

    I love the fact it has ticky boxes to select if you want them to use your email for marketing etc but it DEMANDS you allow them to before you can continue ?????

    If you want the software use a temp email or you WILL get loads of junk forever

    #8283626 Reply | Quote

    [@John] Actually Ive had software from them before and the junk mail wasn’t too bad. I actually have an account and it has an option to stop the newsletters

    #8283701 Reply | Quote

    Some observations:

    1. Even after converting the program language to English, if you click on ‘help’ you get a german language manual. I actually clicked on ‘manual’ on the setup screen and from there the manual that you get is in English. I’ve saved that but not sure where you get it from if you’ve already done the install (it does not seem to be on their website as this is an older version of the software)

    2. They mention that there are plugins for photoshop. To use them you have to go to C:\Program Files\Franzis\Cut Out 4\Photoshop Plugins (or the equivalent location where you installed the program) and manually copy the 8bf files to your Photoshop PlugIn folder. This would mean that you would have to install the ‘bit’ version that matched your photoshop – i.e. 32 bit or 64 bit

    3. When I saved my edited file it converted the filename to all capitals – not sure why but a bit annoying.

    Otherwise it seems to be a brilliant program and do a fantastic job of cutting out.

    #8284303 Reply | Quote

    Why are you silent? :)

    WinUtilities Pro

    Free WinUtilities Pro (100% discount)

    The license is only for 1 year!

    It’s easy to check, translate the date of the PC!

    It is a pity spent time :(

    #8286285 Reply | Quote

    Anybody know where to get manual in English from?

    #8286925 Reply | Quote

    Avoid!!! It’s another Franzis spam bot. Never get confirmation email to complete download, however they will fill your spam box up for you.

    #8288093 Reply | Quote

    Confirmation email not rec’d.

    #8289044 Reply | Quote
    Bruce Mittleman

    I put in my email address and hit send about 5 hours ago I have not received any activation code from them?

    #8289052 Reply | Quote

    I applied for activation code about 5 hours ago and have not received anything.

    #8289197 Reply | Quote
    Ron Cavin

    [email protected]
    Agreed! I sent three emails because the software wouldn’t work on my machine and have received no answer of any kind. I’m finished with Shareware on Sale.

    #8289554 Reply | Quote

    Would have enjoyed to try, but never got the link? Filled in all the information several times, was careful to do it right, still nothing. Oh well, next.

    #8289555 Reply | Quote
    Ron Cavin

    Downloaded, installed, registered, but when launched the program freezes and does nothing.
    My comment about this on the discussion forum never appeared, instead I got an error message asking if I really wanted to do that. Do what? complain about the software not working? Yes, definitely yes! It does nothing but freeze on my Win10 Pro pc, 2.66 Ghxz Intel quad core, 8 Gb Ram. More aggravation is the fact that I sent two messages about this and have received no reply at all, making me very unhappy with SoS!

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Reply To: Reply #8304578 in CutOut 4 / Jun 27 2017