Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion CyberLink Power2Go 9 Platinum / Apr 15 2016

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  • #4737270 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about CyberLink Power2Go 9 Platinum? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than CyberLink Power2Go 9 Platinum, post it here! If you know of issues with CyberLink Power2Go 9 Platinum, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #4737565 Reply | Quote
    Phil Kennedy

    Will certainly use this, however had a previous version and it pestered NON STOP to “upgrade to latest version” (NOT for free). So much so in fact, I uninstalled it. If this is the same, it will be uninstalled even quicker

    #4739638 Reply | Quote

    [reply user=’Phil Kennedy’ id=’4737565′

    I actually PURCHASED this edition about a year ago and I still get those upgrade to latest version every time I open the program. WTF, I PAID for it and still can’t get rid of them.

    #4739860 Reply | Quote

    thank you for this program. i used to have an earlier version but recently upgraded laptop but couldnt tranfer over program so i have been missing this. thanks again and im looking forward to using this

    #4740960 Reply | Quote
    Mark Magill

    Thanks for the program! I’ve used several Cyberlink programs in the past, and they have become favorites. This is a very powerful program and is feature-rich. Even if you don’t need some of the features at present, they’re nice to have. For example: I don’t have a BluRay R/W drive, but plan to add one later. When I do, I’ll be set to go with a premium program. I find that it loads fast, works well, and has all the features I’m likely to need in one nice package. Definitely a keeper for me.

    As for nagging ads on giveaways, they don’t bother me. I’m getting a nice program for free, and after all — how long does it take to click on a “Go Away” button, anyway? :-) Once per session does it in most cases; although I surely do agree it would be Excessively Annoying for those who PAID for the program and still get bugged to upgrade… it’s like saying “Hey, our program’s nice, but you SHOULD have bought the better one..”

    To the author: Since you know it causes an annoyance, why not fix it and make a great program even better? Does the bug-me button REALLY result in that many more sales? Thanks for participating in SOS. It’s appreciated.


    #4741408 Reply | Quote

    Thx SoS and Cyberlink . Looks be a quality program , but Ive yet have not had a chance to actually use it .
    I did notice the registration did not complete (and did not reappear even after a uninstall/reinstall) , so I hope that will not present a problem down the road in reference to continued future usage .
    Would also be nice if when doing an uninstall it would take out ALL its Power2GO components in one shot vs having to do so individually .

    Again ths for opportunity on this .

    #4741461 Reply | Quote

    ^^ *Update to above post ^^

    Looks like the registration did complete (even though program said otherwise), as I received an email later on confirming program registration , as well as showing in my Cyberlink account as a registered/owned program .

    Thought others should be aware of this incase the same happens during the initial registration , ;)

    #4741573 Reply | Quote
    Doug Ames

    Installs, registers and runs just fine for me on Windows 7. It installs one program in your Windows startup list, but you can remove it if you want. Seems like a decent package at first glance.

    This is not the latest version though. Version 10 has been out for some time.

    #4744164 Reply | Quote

    Downloaded, installed and installed patch and put in reg code. Cyberlink WaveEditor 2 and Cyberlink LabelPrint 2.5 both will open and seem to work without problem. Cyberlink Power2Go 9 installs but fails to open past the spinning disk logo. Downloaded and installed again and the same result. Any ideas?

    #4744506 Reply | Quote
    Chan Kee Han


    #4744509 Reply | Quote
    Bobby leong


    #4744511 Reply | Quote

    Nice program good

    #4744512 Reply | Quote


    #4744515 Reply | Quote

    nice good good

    #4744516 Reply | Quote

    Very well

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 76 total)
Reply To: Reply #4745001 in CyberLink Power2Go 9 Platinum / Apr 15 2016