Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion docLock 2016 / Aug 14 2016

  • This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Cathy – Support manger LargeSoftware.
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  • #5499886 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about docLock 2016? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than docLock 2016, post it here! If you know of issues with docLock 2016, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #5501647 Reply | Quote
    Iván Ajenjo Morales

    Thank you very much

    #5501964 Reply | Quote
    Steph Robert

    Hello Ashraf,
    I downloaded your Hub application for doclock (SharewareOnSale_Giveaway_Aug-13-2016_docLock_2016_hub.exe)
    but when I want to execute it to DL doclock,
    Zemana antilogger (your giveaway from Aug 7, I have installed) blocks your application saying “suspect file” and I can’t DL

    Zemana antilogger didn’t block your previous hub application.
    What do you think of it ?


    #5502270 Reply | Quote

    [@Steph Robert] Zemana is probably blocking docLock and not our Download Hub — although I’m not sure why it is blocking docLock as VirusTotal results of docLock is fine: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/9fd6e3c6ad3a93845771b715c0f1d24abc3f52f138f79979a5b11c5e4e474ac1/analysis/1470925256/

    Can you share a screenshot of what Zemana is saying?

    #5502276 Reply | Quote

    I will be very happy when I get to this good program activation key for which you previously thank you very much

    #5502287 Reply | Quote

    Fantastic products thankssssssssss

    #5503038 Reply | Quote

    I wrote an evaluation, but I’m also writing here to share with others.

    I’m very disappointed with DocLock. Installation and registration went fine, no issues.
    For testing, I created a folder with 2 subfolders, and one more sub-subfolder in one of the subfolders, as follows:
    On drave Z:\Storage\
    I placed a text file in each of the folders and subfolders.
    Dragged and dropped the folder Temp onto the program.
    Entered the password (I was UNPLEASANTLY surprised and perplexed at the 7-character PW limit).
    Program confirmed that it locked the files or folders.
    I ran File Explorer and was able to access all the files in the folders and subfolders, and open them as if no operation was done.
    In other words, none was encrypted.
    I restarted the program and tried again. Same result.
    Bottom line: I cannot trust this program to encrypt my documents, and I also cannot trust a program that limits my password to 7 characters.

    #5504246 Reply | Quote
    Steph Robert

    Thanks for your reply.
    I download again the DL hub application and this time Zemana antilogger hasn’t warned me, neither stopped the process and I could DL doclock2016.exe
    Then, I’ve noticed a little bug in the DL hub application :
    I DL doclock2016.exe and then I clicked “Do not install” and ticked “save installer to my computer in Donwload folder”. Then the application left in place doclock2016.exe and didn’t moved it from “E:\Documents and Settings\steph.J\Local Settings\Temp” to my Donwload folder. (I run Win XP)


    #5505211 Reply | Quote

    Thank you very much

    #5505533 Reply | Quote

    [@Steph Robert] Thank you, will fix this bug.

    #5507305 Reply | Quote

    Zemana Antilogger – this is the crude product.
    Do not pay attention to it honest,to read enough reviews.
    Rightly said ASHRAF.If in doubt,check for Virustotal.
    You can download the program here (remove the space after http:)
    https: //www.largesoftware.com/doclock/

    #5512179 Reply | Quote
    Cathy – Support manger LargeSoftware

    [@LoyalCustomer] You are not doing anything wrong. We added this feature in as a safe guard for our users. There is nothing worse than locking a file and forgetting the password seconds after you locked the file. With that said, there is a simple process for deleting the original unlocked file. First you can use the “Secure Delete” function of the software. Simply drag and drop the unlocked file into the file box under the “Secure Delete” tab of the software. This will securely delete the unlocked file from your hard drive, and will be completely unrecoverable. Second, you can go to the “Options” tab, and select “Delete Original Files after Locking” This will automatically delete the original file after you lock a file.

    #5512218 Reply | Quote
    Cathy – Support manger LargeSoftware

    [@Steph Robert] Hi Stephen – We are not familiar with the antilogger you mentioned, but it sounds like you have figured out how to install docLock properly. If you still need help please contact us directly at [email protected]

    #5512233 Reply | Quote
    Cathy – Support manger LargeSoftware

    [@LoyalCustomer] Hi – To answer your question about the 7 characters password limit, unfortunately, this is in place in accordance with United States international law. Any other questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    #5512645 Reply | Quote

    Wont let me unlock. Keeps saying “Incorrect password”, tested twice with different files and passwords but same issue. Waste of time.

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Reply To: Reply #5502287 in docLock 2016 / Aug 14 2016