Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion EXIF-CLEANER 2020 / Apr 27 2020

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  • #15433921 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about EXIF-CLEANER 2020? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than EXIF-CLEANER 2020, post it here! If you know of issues with EXIF-CLEANER 2020, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #15435363 Reply | Quote

    Just a HINT:
    why use an extras tool for that job? Many of the widely spread picture viewer programs (as. e.g., IrfanView) can do this convenient and fast as well – even with all files, or as as a batch job for selectable files…
    So, why use that much additional tools?

    #15435366 Reply | Quote
    Alfred Robinson

    Installed but won’t complete due to error during installation.

    #15435536 Reply | Quote
    Allan Brunner

    This fingerprint can be removed with one click “and e.g. in the internet no conclusion is possible.” What does this mean in intelligible English please?

    #15436687 Reply | Quote
    Bob MacLean

    I missed getting the necessary ID and key for installation. Please email these to me.

    #15438887 Reply | Quote


    Thank you for your awesome advice, Wosa.

    Your comments on giveaway sites are always much appreciated.

    Best Regards


    #15439293 Reply | Quote
    L. Stevens

    I’ve found that Windows method for removing exif still SEEMS to leave traces of ME — as in when and where (directory) the file was saved. Does this program get rid of MORE than what Windows does naturally?


    #15439813 Reply | Quote

    Ummm No.
    You can just tell by the screen cap with the Facebook , twitter and other advertisements on it that it is going to be nagware.
    I will keep my Open source one and just know it is safer , faster and just generally works better.

    #15439874 Reply | Quote

    Uninstalled this software and their other free offer they had on Bitsdjour, the App Blocker, I had the same results with both while uninstalling, even using forced uninstalling it shut down my uninstaller and said something like “App exited incorrectly”.

    I dunno, I feel like my whole PC has been taken over by something now. This software company wreaks of terms and designs which are IN MY OPINION things used for spyware, perhaps that is why they don’t make their menu’s straight and forward, they don’t want you to figure out how to use the software because if perhaps you do figure it out you will realize it is SPYWARE. JMO.

    #15439883 Reply | Quote

    Who in their right mind thinks in terms of removing all EXIF information and Blocking apps? Who would want to do that?
    You can preach PRIVACY all you want, but do you really want to trust your privacy to this company?
    I’m reinstalling my entire PC as of now because of my experience using this software. Just saying. Better be careful what you install.

    #15442561 Reply | Quote

    due to an internet failure I can only now get an answer.

    @wosa: Yes, IrfanView can do this too. But the handling is more complicated in my opinion.

    @Alfred Robinson: Only if the distribution pack of Windows is installed correctly, the software abylon EXIF-CLEANER works.

    @Allan Brunner: EXIF data in images can contain sensitive information. By the software abylon EXIF-CLEANER these data are deleted. Therefore, this data can not be evaluated.
    Who has a better translation or suggestions for improvement for us, can tell us this with pleasure. Thanks in advance.

    @Bob MacLean: The registration data will be displayed on our homepage and additionally sent by email. Of course the email must be entered correctly.

    @L. Stevens: The location of a file is not saved in the file. Windows always shows the folder where the file is stored. Also creation and copy date are not part of the exif information and are not removed by our program.

    @Ed: Everybody wants to be able to live from his work, including us as software developers. The links to Twitter and Facebook are passive and do not collect any information. They should allow interested users to receive information from us on a regular basis.
    If you prefer to work with open source software, we won’t stop you. And we assume that you don’t use Windows either, right?

    @Bob: If you have problems uninstalling our software, we would be very happy to hear from you. The more detailed you describe this (if possible with screenshots), the sooner we can understand this and possibly offer a remedy.
    We are also happy to receive suggestions for improvements to the GUI or the menu navigation.
    But to conclude from this that it is spyware is very far out of the question. You can use our software completely without internet access.
    If you do not need our software, you do not need to install it. However, our experience is that there are some users who appreciate our software and functionality.

    #15457835 Reply | Quote


    Thanks, wosa, for the tip. Never realized it was so easy to remove this EXIF information with Irfanview!

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Reply To: Reply #15439293 in EXIF-CLEANER 2020 / Apr 27 2020