Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion FlashBoot Pro / Jul 11 2020

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  • #16120355 Reply | Quote

    I cannot install it. No matter what drive location I select to install it in, there is no “ok” or “select” tab in the lower right corner to start the install in that drive location. Now what?

    #16122100 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    Reading their own web page at [ https :// www. prime-expert. com/flashboot/updates/ ], I see a conflict between their already-free version versus their compromise here at SOS.

    I see their already-free version ( reduced feature set ) is described this way:

    – “… FlashBoot is not bound to hardware. You may install it on any number of computers you own, and use it to format any USB storage devices without limitation. FlashBoot does not require activation and does not access network during installation or operation. You may transfer FlashBoot to another computer at any time …”

    Yet their compromise here at SOS is to marry their program to one-and-only-one USB-thumb-flash-drive

    – “… run FlashBoot Pro … click REGISTER … Make sure your USB device is already plugged in. Select your USB device when prompted, click OK. A registration page should open in your default browser. On that page, just fill out the form with your name and valid email and confirm. Next, check your email inbox for the confirmation. COPY the registration code that was shown and PASTE it on the registration code dialog in the software. Click OK and NEXT. The wizard will guide you through the next steps in formatting your USB flash drive into a bootable flash drive …”

    See the problem here?

    Their already-free version is transferable as a TOOL that can be used anywhere, their supposed giveaway version here at SOS is not, it’s locked and limited to one-try.

    But it’s a TOOL.

    And we do not buy a new set of tools every time we need to service something else.

    Like buying a new set of screwdrivers just because we are working on our cabinets versus working in our garage versus working in our basement versus working on our car versus working on a friend’s car versus … no, we use the same screwdrivers wherever we are, we do not buy a new set of TOOLS each time we do something different.

    Plus, as I grow my Operating System and installed programs,

    ( a ) I may not have a USB-thumb-flash-drive large enough to accommodate copying my entire Operating System at the moment during the limited-time offer, so where do I hold the program in the meantime,
    ( b ) I cannot go out and buy such a USB-thumb-flash-drive today to take advantage of the time-limited registration, and
    ( c ) as I continue to grow my Operating system AND installed programs, I may need an even larger backup USB-thumb-flash-drive tomorrow, but this program already married one-and-only-one USB-thumb-flash-drive, a USB-thumb-flash-drive that has eventually become inappropriate for my needs as a bootable re-installable transferable clone backup.

    As others have mentioned, this is not a giveaway, or even a tease, it is an invitation to waste our time and energy, and for what, because the programmers do not understand marketing and goodwill, and the truth that the more working copies in distribution means they win, even if some copies are free, because we using Prime-Expert’s FlashBoot and we are not using their competition, and we are recommending the program to others, and eventually we may buy a later version with new and enhanced features and benefits, especially if, all along, we can use it uncompromised enough to fall in love with it and grow to depend on it and prefer it.

    So, thank you SOS and [ Prime-Experts. com ] for this opportunity to explore and share about your program, but all we can do is comment on your lack of marketing savvy.

    Fix that and come back, and we can then get to the program itself, and give you some superlative and useful feedback for making your program the best it can be for expanding your market – win, win, win all around.

    #16124498 Reply | Quote

    Sorry; just gave up and uninstalled. Thanks anyway.

    #16125193 Reply | Quote
    Ingo Sander

    Kaspersky says: Setup-file infected three times: virus, malware and trojan. I already use this program as a paid lifetime license and I thouht that the software publisher is trustworthy, but I never thought that the software publisher will send out virus infected giveaway versions of his software. This is painful and absolutely unacceptable.
    Now the trust in the software company is ruined…

    #16129141 Reply | Quote
    Antonio Mungioli

    The help button does not work.
    It is not clear how the promised to this softwate will be acomplished.
    Is there any manual to make more clear how it should work?

    #16134011 Reply | Quote


    #16139018 Reply | Quote

    Excellent tool … Very useful …
    It will certainly help and streamline the work of technicians

    #16150957 Reply | Quote

    @AnAceBuyer, Bucko Buckovic, Romalliv, J. Anthony Carter, rasmus, Randi Mortensen
    After install, open the app and in “Welcome to Special Edition of FlashBoot 3.2y Pro” window, click on “Register the software”.
    Connect (plug in) USB drive -> in “Registration with USB Storage Device” window, select it from the list -> click “OK”.

    #16159756 Reply | Quote

    This is a TRASH! Big, promising claims, NOTHING is delivered.
    Starting with, I had to disable Win Defender (!!!!!) to be able to install.
    As others pointed out, linked to 1 usb device ONLY, though you could (if you wanted) on more by a twist.
    NOTHING worked. Couldn’t deliver any of the promised options (after many hours of work, an abrupt unsuccessful end, for NO apparent reason.
    Rubbish program (in my view). Uninstalled, chucked in bin where it belongs.

    Don’t waste time on it if you could even install, it will not DELIVER any promise.
    You’d much better with free Win Media Creator, which is free and WORKING!

    #16162495 Reply | Quote

    Bit Defender says that there is a Trojan in it.
    So I will not install and I deleted it

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Reply To: FlashBoot Pro / Jul 11 2020